
Good News

Nitaisundara Das - February 24, 2011 4:28 am

Dear Tattva Vivekis,


Guru Maharaja has decided as of today that this year he would like to have everyone post there Vyasa Puja offerings on Tattva Viveka the day before Vyasa Puja. That will be Thursday March 17. So for those of you who got yours in on time, kudos, but now you will have more time agonize over them :dance: Those who are late, congrats, you have beat the system ;) I suppose people could post pictures with their offerings as well, if they so choose.


I will be sending out a TV message with this info tomorrow.


In service

Nitaisundara dasa

Babhru Das - February 24, 2011 5:02 pm

After steaming for about a minute, I just found an error that makes me grateful for the extra time. :dance: Thanks, Nitai. Will a thread dedicated to the offerings be posted on the 17th?

Nitaisundara Das - February 24, 2011 7:43 pm

Yes a thread will be posted. I reckon everyone likes a chance to revisit their work some days after they wrote it. It can only make things better (for the most part ;)

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 25, 2011 2:10 am

Once I decide I`m done on writing, I send it without looking at it again. Otherwise I would probably not send anything to anyone because it is never as good as i would like it to be. ;)


I liked offerings in a book format though- it was easy to find the offerings from previous years and also pictures and grafics were nice... I`m afraid the thread will be lost on the website

Tadiya Dasi - February 25, 2011 11:35 am
Once I decide I`m done on writing, I send it without looking at it again. Otherwise I would probably not send anything to anyone because it is never as good as i would like it to be. ;)


I know the feeling, Braj! :P However, good to know that we have more time to work (or, agonize over) on our offerings. ;)

Prema-bhakti - February 25, 2011 2:33 pm

A lot of people are traveling on March 17th. Do you think we could start the posting on the 16th?


I think the online book is nice but it takes some good amount of time and energy to do Probably most practical that everyone is responsible for their own offering and posting. Maybe next year.