
New Audarya accommodations fees

Guru-nistha Das - April 17, 2011 9:07 pm

Dandavat Pranam.


To help with Audarya's overhead, we need to start charging all visitors for overnight stays and meals. The new prices are as follows:


Double-occupancy in a yurt: $25 per night per person*

Camping out in a tent: $15 per night per person

breakfast: $5

lunch: $10

dinner: $5


Children under 12 get to stay for free.


Work exchanges are available for those who cannot meet the costs. Contact Gurunistha for details (email address below).



Devotees who donate 5% or more of their income get 25% off the price.

Devotees who donate 10% or more of their income get 75% off the price.


To make a reservation, please send an email to: gurunistha@earthlink.net.




*If you want to have a yurt to yourself, the price is $50 per night.