
Ratha Yatra 2004 mp3 series

Dayal Govinda Dasa - August 14, 2004 4:00 pm

Dear devotees


I am most pleased to be able to offer you the Lecture series from this years Ratha yatra celebrations at Sri Audarya Dhama.

All the devotees present at the gathering marvelled at Guru maharaja's profound realizations in regards to the inner significance of Sri Ratha Yatra, and his ability to explain them in such a captivating and heart melting way.


I urge you all not to miss this opportunity.


The mp3 is the usual price of $14.95.


Again I would like to remind you all that Guru maharaja's lectures are available via a monthly CD subscription: $16 for 2, and $29.50 for 4.

Along with Guru maharaja's books they give an indespensible grounding in Gaudiya philosophy and theology. Essential for any sadhaka worth their salt.


Please contact me to purchase the Mp3 or for more information on the monthly CDs.



In service

Dayal Govinda dasa brahmacari