
New book on Bhagavatam

Braja-sundari Dasi - May 14, 2011 1:20 am

Disciple of Krsna Ksetra Prabhu, Janaki Ram das just published his book on Bhagavatam. Sounds interesting. If someone can afford buying it, please share your experience!




Book is controversial according to some Iskcon leaders, whatever that means...

Babhru Das - May 14, 2011 7:17 pm
Disciple of Krsna Ksetra Prabhu, Janaki Ram das just published his book on Bhagavatam. Sounds interesting. If someone can afford buying it, please share your experience!<a href="http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/academic/pn/9780199641543.do?sortby=booktitleascend" target="_blank">



Book is controversial according to some Iskcon leaders, whatever that means...

It does look interesting, but yikes! The prices of those Oxford UP books! And if the book weren't controversial in some quarters, especially among some ISKCON leaders, there's a chance it just may not be interesting enough to read.

Braja-sundari Dasi - May 14, 2011 8:22 pm

Unfortunately first edition of Oxford books are always like that. They make them really good quality that they last a long time in libraries. Next print would be cheaper but they print more only if there was enough interest in the first one :Idea:

Babhru Das - May 15, 2011 1:24 am

Perhaps they believe they have some metric that can measure what demand might be at $45 a volume for subsequent printings when they ask $115 plus shipping for the first. :Idea: Publishing is such an interesting business.

Bhrigu - May 18, 2011 12:26 pm

The thing is they print very few copies nowadays to save storage costs, that's why the price is so high. But I've asked our university library to order a copy. :Idea: