
Fall in love - it will decide everything.

Tadiya Dasi - May 23, 2011 4:21 pm

Here's a poem that made me smile this morning:


Fall in Love


Nothing is more practical than

finding God, than

falling in Love

in a quite absolute, final way.


What you are in love with,

what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.


It will decide

what will get you out of bed in the morning,

what you do with your evenings,

how you spend your weekends,

what you read, whom you know,

what breaks your heart,

and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.


Fall in Love, stay in love,

and it will decide everything.


Attributed to Fr. Pedro Arrupe (1907–1991)

Jiva-daya Dasa - May 24, 2011 1:17 pm

Thanks for posting this translation. I remember reading about Pedro de Arrupe at school back in the 90's. I thought I would post the Spanish language version para «los aspirantes a la lengua»...



Enamorarse de Dios



No hay nada más práctico que

encontrar a Dios.

Es decir, enamorarse rotundamente

y sin ver atrás.


Aquello de lo que te enamores,

lo que arrebate tu imaginación,

afectará todo.


Determinará lo que te haga levantar

por la mañana,

lo que harás con tus atardeceres,

cómo pases tus fines de semana,

lo que leas, a quien conozcas,

lo que te rompa el corazón

y lo que te llene de asombro

con alegría y agradecimiento.


Enamórate, permanece enamorado,

y esto lo decidirá todo.

Shyamananda Das - May 25, 2011 3:18 am

Thank you for sharing this, Tadiya. I will forward it to people who I think might need to hear it.