
Psychological problems

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - June 16, 2011 5:38 pm

There was a lecture, where (if I remember correctly) GM said that

even advanced devotees can have psychological problems.


I am interested to know when these problems devotee will overcome?


At what stage, namely - nishta, ruci,... etc will one be definitely free

from any posibility of psychological problems and disturbances?

Madan Gopal Das - June 16, 2011 6:24 pm

I think you may be referring to a time or two when GM also gave an example of one of Prabhupada's godbrothers who seemed to have some symptoms of dementia. To be free of psychological problems through a stage of practice is I think impossible to clarify because of the incompatibility of terminology or understandings of each subject. In the instances you are referencing, and others, I have heard GM speak about pure devotees exhibiting character flaws or not being "politically correct" from a modern standard, or also acting in a way that from a purely psychological reference point may seem dysfunctional. Bhakti should be considered above all else, so just as Upadesamrta warns against judging the devotee based on a diseased body, we should similarly be cautious when judging the devotee based on mental illness. BUT, that does not mean we should avoid making those judgments and helping devotees who are willing, to get treatment if it will help in their spiritual practice.

In short, we shouldn't think that perfect mental health is a symptom of advancement in bhakti, that pure devotees will be the greatest communicators, the most logical and be free of all eccentricity. Pure devotee does not mean perfect in anything other than love. And love makes a lot of exceptions...

Devyah-pati Das SERBIA - June 17, 2011 6:58 am
Bhakti should be considered above all else, so just as Upadesamrta warns against judging the devotee based on a diseased body, we should similarly be cautious when judging the devotee based on mental illness. BUT, that does not mean we should avoid making those judgments and helping devotees who are willing, to get treatment if it will help in their spiritual practice.


In short, we shouldn't think that perfect mental health is a symptom of advancement in bhakti, that pure devotees will be the greatest communicators, the most logical and be free of all eccentricity. Pure devotee does not mean perfect in anything other than love. And love makes a lot of exceptions...


Thank you very, very much, Prabhu. This completely answers my question.

Braja-sundari Dasi - September 5, 2011 8:30 pm

I was thinking about it for some time but still I cannot come to conclusion... Bhakti is more powerful than anything else but bhakti is ultimately a feeling. So what about psychopaths, who by nature are unable to feel love, compassion, who cannot regret their misdeeds? One could think they would be the only group of people that Bhakti Devi does not touch at all. But we know enough sad stories about devotees being abused in the name of bhakti by psychopaths in devotee disguise.


I`m confused about that. If they come to bhakti due to bhakti sukriti, seems like they gain nothing or even loose- they commit offences and seem to be unable to understand the essense. Can psychopath make any progress or are they just pretenders, kali-chelas that are simply the agents of karma?