
Janmastami Festival

Gaurangi-priya Devi - August 24, 2011 3:42 pm

I am missing you all and Gurumaharaj and Audarya so much today, as I re-integrate into my life. I wanted to thank you Gurumaharaj for the wonderful talks. Each time I thought that you had taken us to the deepest depth of the ocean of nectar of hari-katha, you would take us deeper. My task now is to remember those words and have them live in my life and heart as I go about my daily activities. Thank you Nitaisundar for your topnotch organization and for engaging me in kitchen seva. Cooking the raj-bhoga offering on Janmastami was a huge highlight for me. You are a great leader and I admire your attention to details and your intense desire to please Gurumaharaj. I am so proud of you. Thank you Haribhakti for all your great work with organizing. I know it is a lot to coordinate a festival with so many devotees. Thank you to all the monks who always served prasadam with such a great attitude, who always were ready to assist, and who exemplified the serving spirit. Thank you Vrindaranya for all that you do. The outfit you made was stunning, the prasadam you cooked was impeccable, the Deities always looked so beautiful. Thank you Goloka for making me tea everyday. Thank you to everyone who included my children, took the time to talk to them, and make them feel part of the family. Thank you Abhaya for taking the time to help Gandharvika with the cow family tree. Thank you Ratna for having the biggest heart ever and taking care of us so well. Thank you Agni for putting us all up in your little cabin. You both are our second parents. Thank you Kanubhai for bringing us to the airport. Thank you to everyone for making it such a memorable festival. It is so refreshing to be in the company of such a genuine, happy, real, and special group of devotees. We are a tight group with a high level of personalism, and I loved being with each and every one of you.


Until next time, I beg to remain the servant of the servant of the devotees of Guru and Gauranga! It is only by the association of such wonderful devotees that I have any hope of progressing. And I look forward to someday being able to host all of you for some amazing festivals at Saragrahi. ;)

Madan Gopal Das - August 24, 2011 6:02 pm

You beat me to it Priya, but thank you for this thank you to our sweet family. The fond memories brought about by your words make me :Cry: I second third and fourth your praises of our friends and family.


We cannot really express to all of you who were there and who were not, how deeply significant the festival was for us. I also wanted to thank Citta Hari for helping with the initiation yajna and for allowing me to help with Mahaprabhu's abhiseka. Shyamananda is a sweet, solid brahmacari, dedicated to his services. Vijaya-Govinda in his very quiet humble way contributed so much service facilitating the ustream cast and for helping me with several other little computer tasks. It was great to meet Madhu-mangala, see Shyam-sakhi in her element, meet Krsna-rati and the other young ladies who have such bright futures, struggle against Abhaya's merciless Ultimate conquest, see Babhru back home, witness Brahma dancing in ecstasy, Agnideva prabhu kindly taking care of our Giriraj... it just goes on and on. You all have wonderful personalities and contribute so much to the feeling that is our sanga. I'm happy to know each and every one of you. The icing on the cake of the whole festival is the feeling I saw several times in Guru Maharaj's eyes of genuine happiness, satisfaction, ecstasy and gratitude to all of you for your service. What to speak of his classes that were like the giant roots, penetrating deep into all of our hearts, inspiring such service!




And finally, to Gurunistha. Thanks for accepting my crushing defeat of you multiple times in our sporting games like a true gentleman. I know it must be hard, and you model the characteristics of a good sport. Don't worry, I may let you win one of these days. :LMAO:

GopalNandini - August 26, 2011 12:00 pm

I second everything that Madan and Gaurangi said and just want to add that for ten years, we have been looking for such association and had nearly conceded that this is the material world, and it just doesn't exist. We would just have to wait until we eventually reached the spiritual world to be with such loving devotees. I can say now that a little bit of heaven does exist here on earth. The huge amount of love, devotion, compassion, understanding, empathy, kindness, happiness, and personalism I felt was unbelievable. I could feel all the hollows of my heart filling with light. Every devotee I encountered there was extraordinary. I don't think I encountered one negative feeling or conversation the entire time I was there. I just can't express enough how amazing Gurumaharaja and his followers are. Thank you all for giving me so much happiness and hope that I can advance in my spiritual life without becoming a grumpy old lady!! I can be myself and still be on the path. The acceptance of such a diverse lot of personalities was something I had yet to encounter in the association of devotees, but was always longing for. I finally found my home, and I'm honored and humbled to call you all my family. Much love to you all.

Madan Gopal Das - August 26, 2011 1:45 pm

We are a bunch of sentimentalists out here in NC... :Big Grin: :Cry: :Big Grin: :Cry:

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 28, 2011 7:26 am

Ksiro Prema and I had a great time with you all and thank you all for your heart felt expressions on our loss.

Braja-sundari Dasi - August 28, 2011 10:00 am

Thank you all for wonderful reports, pictures and great inspiration! Your enthusiasm, dedication and serving atitude are so enliving! It is my great fortune to have such nice Godsiblings. :Cow: I miss you all...



Any ustream broadcast for Radhastami?

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 28, 2011 2:50 pm

Thank you all for wonderful reports, pictures and great inspiration! Your enthusiasm, dedication and serving atitude are so enliving! It is my great fortune to have such nice Godsiblings. :Cow: I miss you all...



Any ustream broadcast for Radhastami?

yes almost every day and usually twice a day

Citta Hari Dasa - August 29, 2011 4:37 am

I second everything that Madan and Gaurangi said and just want to add that for ten years, we have been looking for such association and had nearly conceded that this is the material world, and it just doesn't exist. We would just have to wait until we eventually reached the spiritual world to be with such loving devotees. I can say now that a little bit of heaven does exist here on earth. The huge amount of love, devotion, compassion, understanding, empathy, kindness, happiness, and personalism I felt was unbelievable. I could feel all the hollows of my heart filling with light. Every devotee I encountered there was extraordinary. I don't think I encountered one negative feeling or conversation the entire time I was there. I just can't express enough how amazing Gurumaharaja and his followers are. Thank you all for giving me so much happiness and hope that I can advance in my spiritual life without becoming a grumpy old lady!! I can be myself and still be on the path. The acceptance of such a diverse lot of personalities was something I had yet to encounter in the association of devotees, but was always longing for. I finally found my home, and I'm honored and humbled to call you all my family. Much love to you all.



Well I for one am glad you didn't give up and am quite happy you're members of the family. It was a pleasure to meet you but I have a complaint: your visit was entirely too short.

Bijaya Kumara Das - August 29, 2011 8:19 am

Well I for one am glad you didn't give up and am quite happy you're members of the family. It was a pleasure to meet you but I have a complaint: your visit was entirely too short.

I will second that.