
Swami Call Recordings

Gopala Dasa - September 27, 2011 1:52 pm

A few devotees have asked about access to recordings of the weekly Swami Call. Recordings dating back to May 2010 are archived on the following web site:




I have not included the above link in the weekly mailing, since the announcement is mainly to encourage active participation in the live call. Also to date, the Swami Call has remained a relatively closed forum (like TV) and the dial-in instructions and archived recordings have not been distributed widely. For the time being, I'll stick with posting the archived call link here from time to time, and making it available to call participants on request.

Bijaya Kumara Das - September 28, 2011 3:35 pm

A few devotees have asked about access to recordings of the weekly Swami Call. Recordings dating back to May 2010 are archived on the following web site:




I have not included the above link in the weekly mailing, since the announcement is mainly to encourage active participation in the live call. Also to date, the Swami Call has remained a relatively closed forum (like TV) and the dial-in instructions and archived recordings have not been distributed widely. For the time being, I'll stick with posting the archived call link here from time to time, and making it available to call participants on request.

hopefully it will have an index to access