
Love for material friends

Braja-sundari Dasi - October 28, 2011 5:28 pm

I`m reading Srila Bhaktivinoda`s Bhaktyaloka and have hard time to understand these statemnets, from chapter about sanga-tyaga:


When acts are performed out of love, then this is association. Therefore giving charity to pure Vaisnavas and accepting items or wealth from them becaomes sat-sanga. Giving charity to a materialist or accepting charity from one, if done out of love, becomes asat-sanga. When a materialist approaches you, whatever is required to be done should be done only out of duty. One should not speak confidentialy with a materialist. Generally there is some love involved in confidential speaking, therefore it is association. While meeting a materialistic friend, one should speak only what is extremally neccesary.. At that time it is better not to express hearfelt love


Maybe it is just language difference but it sounds so rigid to me. Could someone shed more light on what kind of behaviour is Bhativinoda Thakura talking about?

Bijaya Kumara Das - October 28, 2011 8:25 pm

I`m reading Srila Bhaktivinoda`s Bhaktyaloka and have hard time to understand these statemnets, from chapter about sanga-tyaga:




Maybe it is just language difference but it sounds so rigid to me. Could someone shed more light on what kind of behaviour is Bhativinoda Thakura talking about?

In relationships with pure devotees we are actually in Krsna conciousness and our acts of exchange are sat-sanga. Actions with non devotees should be done out of duty ie working for a wage using you skills you do not tell your associates every detail of you life, but things like the best way to get to work, that which is externally necessary to preform you duty and after some time they may become an intimate friend but still one needs to be cautious asat-sanga. You never know you may convert them.