
Joy of Self Printing Fund drive

Gaurangi-priya Devi - December 23, 2011 4:12 am

Dear Friends and Godsiblings,


Dandavats! Jai Guru and Gauranga!


Gurumaharaj wrote me a few weeks ago with a service opportunity for me, and for all of you. He wants to get his book Joy of Self, which has been out of print for a few years now, re-printed. The cost for printing 5,000 copies is only $2,500!!!


Would you like to be part of this wonderful opportunity? During this time of shopping and spending, lets remember the true spirit of the holidays, that of giving, and giving to such a substantial source. I am sure that through this giving you will receive the blessings of Guru and Gauranga, and experience the joy of self.


The task I am asking is for 50 people to give $50 by the 25th of December, a fitting gift don't you think?


Can we do this???


I put this up on Facebook a few weeks ago, and already devotees from around the world have donated $1,860.00. We only need $640.00 more to complete the goal, with only three days until Christmas. I am putting this on up here for anybody that may not have seen it on Facebook.


Huge thanks to those devotees who have already come forth and generously given.

Radhanama Dasa - December 24, 2011 2:36 am

Awesome! I would love to donate 100$ for this. Is paypal available?

Gaurangi-priya Devi - December 24, 2011 4:08 pm

Awesome! I would love to donate 100$ for this. Is paypal available?


Yes, thank you Radhanama!!! You can give at swami@swami.org via paypal.

Thank you so much.


With some added last minute donations we are only $260 away from the goal!


Awesome giving spirit, everyone. You all inspire me.

Radhanama Dasa - December 26, 2011 1:16 am
