
Do we gradually learn throughout our lives?

Gopisvara Dasa - January 18, 2012 8:39 pm

There was a very interesting discussion here a while back that I can't seem to locate. I only remember that Prahlad made some of the stronger points.

The discussion was about whether or not we gradually learn throughout our lives, which would seem logical, but surprisingly the conclusion was (if I remember correctly) that we don't. If we don't serve God, then we have made no benefit. Something like that, I think I skimmed through the post so it is very sketchy to me. Maybe someone remembers and can direct me to it and/or comment on some of these questions:


What carries over with us to our next life? Does academic knowledge, musical ability, having become humble, knowledge of scripture, having become a responsible person etc?


One devotee once told me that even animals are slowly learning/progressing. For example, a cow is chewing grass and gradually learning to do it better. This didn't seem right to me.


I have heard it said that someone who pursued something, like an art form, in this life, but never really attained it may do so in their next life.

I know there is nothing inherently spiritual in that necessarily but am just trying to understand material nature. I guess it depends on karma?

Do lessons learned "stay" learned from life to life or is it only in service (what about spiritual knowledge?) that there is no loss or diminution?

Is it black and white or does anything that we have learned, been through,experienced and therefore has transformed us have any lasting benefit?