
Vyasa puja Offerings 2012

Guru-nistha Das - January 20, 2012 4:15 pm

Dandavats dear friends and students of Swami Tripurari.


Guru Maharaja's 63nd Vyasa-puja is on Tuesday, March 6th this year. As has been the custom, we will be making a website for all of the Vyasa-puja offerings to present to Guru Maharaja on his birthday. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this opportunity and submit an offering. They will be put on a site and Guru Maharaja will read them all.


Please email your offerings to me (gurunistha@earthlink.net) no later than February 20th. Please try to also send a picture of yourself or, if possible, one of you with Guru Maharaja.


Jaya Guru Maharaja!


In service,

Gurunistha dasa


Here are the previous four Vyasa-puja sites for inspiration:



http://tattvaviveka.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2152&st=0 (Vyasa puja 2011 thread)







