
The first SCS Northeast meetup

Jason - February 6, 2012 2:27 pm

Hare Krsna!


Just before the end of 2011 Prema-bhakti reached out to me by phone and told me about Maharaja’s (very) successful visit to NY earlier that year and how she wanted to begin plans to have him back in 2012. She asked me to rally Maharaja’s core troops here in the NY/NJ area and arrange the first Sri Caitanya Sangha Northeast Meetup. Her desire was for us all to get together for a couple days, get to know each other, talk about how to most effectively grow our sangha here in the NE, to get clear regarding Maharaja’s wishes regarding preaching in this area, and begin formulating plans to host him in April of 2012.


I searched for a space and decided Sprout Creek Farm in Poughkeepsie would be a fairly central location for our event. Run by nuns, Sprout Creek is an educational farm and creamery with cows, goats, a market, a small café, a house/convent for the few nuns who oversee the farm, and a three bedroom Hudson Valley style farmhouse/cottage for guests.


Prema, Kanubhai, Kanailal, Sridama, Stacia, and myself had a really nice time together. We also got to visit with Sridama’s wife Heidi and their new baby boy, Lucas.


I will add some pictures of the farm and the devotees.


In service,








