
Guru pranam mantra...

Jason - August 20, 2004 6:26 am

Though it seems that many of you are already initiated, I was wondering if it's appropriate in our tradition to chant the guru pranam mantra prior to actual first initiation, even if we have been accepted by our spiritual master and are just waiting for formal diksa?


Thanks in advance,


Bhakta Jason

Jason - August 20, 2004 6:29 am

Also, is it ok to offer arati to our spiritual master (perhaps we have a picture of our guru on our altar) prior to formal initiation? Is it an offense?

Ramakesava - August 20, 2004 8:34 am
Though it seems that many of you are already initiated, I was wondering if it's appropriate in our tradition to chant the guru pranam mantra prior to actual first initiation, even if we have been accepted by our spiritual master and are just waiting for formal diksa?

I did so. In ISKCON they recommend that also, during the waiting period. After all, what is the offence? One is offering obeisances.


Now as to a pramana for justification, then I don't know.

Ramakesava - August 20, 2004 8:36 am
Also, is it ok to offer arati to our spiritual master (perhaps we have a picture of our guru on our altar) prior to formal initiation? Is it an offense?

Perhaps someone else can answer. I cannot see the offence, because initiation is more than just the formality of a set date and time, but I don't know... I wasn't great at aratis at the time.