
Festival Announcements

Vrindaranya Dasi - August 20, 2004 11:29 pm

Everyone is cordially invited to the upcoming festivals of Baladeva Purnima (Sat-Sun, August 28-29), Krsna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day (Sat-Tues., Sept. 4-7), and Radhastami (Tues., Sept. 21). The Janmastami celebrations will begin on Saturday, although Janmastami is on Monday, so that devotees who cannot attend on Monday due to work can take part in Janmastami lectures and kirtanas.


We would appreciate it if everyone would please RSVP as soon as possible so that we can make appropriate arrangements for the festivals.


We are pleased to announce that we are starting a Sponsor-A-Feast program in order to give devotees the chance to offer service to their Lordships and the assembled Vaisnavas on these important days. Sponsors will be posted on the Tattva-viveka. The following sponsorship opportunities are available:


Baladeva Purnima: $100

Krsna Janmastami/ Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day: $200

Radhastami: $100


Here are the schedules for the festivals:


Baladeva Purnima (half day fasting):


4:00 PM Bhajans/Lecture

6:00 Arotika

7:00 Prasadam



5:00 AM Arotika

9:00 Abhiseka

10:00 Lecture

12:00 PM Arotika

12:30 Prasadam


Krsna Janmastami:

Sat & Sun:

5:00 AM Arotika

10:00 Lecture

12:00 PM Arotika

12:30 Prasadam

4:00 Bhajans/Lecture

6:00 Arotika

7:00 Prasadam


Monday (fast until midnight):

5:00 AM Arotika

10:00 Initiation Lecture

12:00 PM Arotika

4:00 Bhajans

5:00 Lecture

6:00 Bhajans

7:00 Arotika

9:00 Lecture

11:00 Abhiseka

12:00 Arotika

12:30 Prasadam


Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance (half day fasting):

10:00 AM Lecture

12:00 Arotika

12:30 Prasadam


Radhastami (half day fasting):

10:00 AM Lecture

12:00 Arotika

12:30 Prasadam

Vrindaranya Dasi - August 23, 2004 1:41 am

The following feasts have been sponsored:


Krsna Janmastami/ Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day: $200: Vrindavana dasa

Radhastami: $50: Chris (cjordan)


All glories to your service!!! May Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai and all the Vaisnavas shower their blessings on you!


There are two more opportunities remaining:


Baladeva Purnima $100

Radhastami $50


P.S. Please do RSVP ASAP if you plan to attend any or all of the festivals. :D

Vrindaranya Dasi - August 25, 2004 5:29 pm

All the upcoming festivals have now been sponsored.


Much appreciation to the following devotees:


Baladeva Purnima: $100 Audarya-lila das

Krsna Janmastami/ Srila Prabhupada’s Appearance Day: $200 Vrindavana dasa

Radhastami: $50 Chris (cjordan) & $50 Dhira-lalita Prabhu


Sri Sri Bhagavan ar Vaisnava seva ki jaya!!!

Gopakumardas - August 26, 2004 12:04 am

In the spirit of Balarama's day I submit this picture I just found. How can one turn away from Balarama or Nitai. His face captures the whole world and his behavior charms the heart.


Gopakumardas - August 26, 2004 12:06 am

Again, who can resist?
