
2013 Vyasa Puja Offerings

Guru-nistha Das - February 24, 2013 9:10 pm

Guru Maharaja's Vyasa Puja is drawing closer again and in continuing the yearly tradition, we are publishing a website of the offerings of Guru Maharaja's students, friends, and well-wishers.

The site will go live on the 25th of March and the deadline for the offerings will be on the 18th of March.


Please copy/paste your offering to an email–to avoid incompatible formatting–and send it to me at gurunistha@swami.org.


In seva,



For inspiration, below are some of previous years' offerings:






Ekanatha - February 26, 2013 8:23 pm

Guru Maharaja, aka to me, as Tripurari Maharaja (as his God-brother), whom I consciously recognize as a sublimely advanced soul. This I most internally recognize that from his realized teachings and as a observing God-brother, sublimely propagating the teachings of the 6 Goswami's in all aspects. All glories unto him, who has made a conscious decision to propagate the teachings of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Looking forward to your next visit in NC! Thank you for gracing us with your next visit in NC! In appreciation, I certainly consider you as one of my siksa gurus. Most definitely!

Braja-sundari Dasi - March 16, 2013 7:33 pm

Finaly I`ve have sent mine. Hopefully gmail will not "swallow it" like it sometimes does with my other emails. biggrin.gif




I wanted to read the ones from last year but I cannot find the link...