
Favorite Lectures?

Acyuta Dasa - February 25, 2013 1:29 am

Yesterday I listened to this lecture. (Maybe some of you will recognize it as the lecture that would later become a short article on The Harmonist, "Be Like Water"?) It was wonderful and refreshing and intimate (the sounds of Vraja in the background certainly contributed to this) and I wonder how I can find more like it.


I have no problem aimlessly making my way through the lectures available online, stumbling on pure gems from time to time, but I thought to ask for recommendations:


What are your favorite lectures? Which lectures have you listened to over and over again? Are there any lectures that you've listened to for weeks or months on endless repeat, like a favorite album, always gleaning new insight and fresh inspiration? They don't have to give you the warm fuzzies. They could be "heavy" or severe. But they should be life-changing.


Let me have 'em.

Braja-sundari Dasi - February 25, 2013 2:55 am

Difficult to choose... all are so good. But stay tuned for the last ones. They are amazing, incredible, out of this world! Some are already on website, some waiting for upload. I know I will listen to them again and again.

Brahma Dasa - February 25, 2013 7:20 am

When I saw this topic I immediately thought to recommend--Be Like Water--and was immensely pleased to find it already mentioned. This informal talk (that came out on CD some 12 years ago) took place at a devotee's residence at Iskcon's MVT complex behind Krsna-Balarama Temple in Vrndavana.



Btw Swami and I met at Krsna Balarama Temple at the first Iskcon Mayapura-Vrndavana festival in perhaps 1974. He approached me in the courtyard and asked if I was Brahma Das, a name he had seen on the SKP newsletter. When I answered in the affirmative he introduced himself, we chatted a bit, and then he invited me to join his newly formed BBT book distribution party--which I did. Later, also at Krsna Balarama temple (perhaps in 1976) Srila Prabhupada told Swami that he wanted to speak with some book distributors. I happened to be in the vicinity so Swami invited myself and a devotee named Gopavrindapal inside SP quarters and while he was having a massage the three of us had an intimate conversation with SP about book distribution. That was the only time I was involved in a personal conversation with Prabhupada--so I am forever indebted to Swami for including me. (Ahh..good memories!)



Anyway..Lila and I really liked the Be like Water lecture and felt that it was a good introduction to Swami's way of presenting the philosophy so we bought a dozen and sent them out to devotee friends.

Gopala Dasa - February 25, 2013 5:06 pm



This talk given in Vrindavan is special to me, as it was included in my first envelope of CD's from Audarya. Within a few moments of pressing play I realized, "Oh, this is something different..." I am listening to it again right now, and it confirms for me why we're all here. It's a good one.


Acyuta, I am from MA and CT, but I am afraid our paths didn't cross in years past. I went to college in New London. I will look forward to meeting in the future!

Guru-nistha Das - February 26, 2013 12:57 am

Great topic, Acyuta.

Here's a couple:


Ratha-yatra 2006: Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya

A great talk about how jnana doesn't mesh with bhakti:




Vyasa Puja 2006

Definitely one of those mind-blowing classes that I've listened to several times. It's on the fourth verse of Siksastakam that deals with Prasadam:


Madan Gopal Das - February 26, 2013 4:53 am

A while ago I went through the entire section of Caitanya Caritamrta classes from the first posted. I love CC and hearing GM speak on Gaura-lila. My linkhttp://swamitripurari.com/category/caitanya-caritamrita/page/8/


Classes that also make a deep impression on me are ones where I've been in attendance. A lot of NC classes throughout the years, classes when I was in Madhuvan, classes for Vyasa-puja/Gaura purnima at Audarya. I remember a few on Brahma-vimohana lila that are awesome as well.


GM's classes are like a treasure chest, they're all gold...

Acyuta Dasa - February 27, 2013 6:25 pm

Thanks for all the recommendations. I've downloaded specific lectures mentioned and added them to my playlist (looks like I'll have some time to listen this afternoon while shoveling snow :Raised Eyebrow:). More suggestions are certainly welcome.


Hey, Gopal. Too bad we didn't meet in New England. Perhaps some time soon?

Swami B. A. Ashram - March 1, 2013 6:19 pm

I have always really liked "Be Like Water." Another one I really love, one with which I've spent much time is this one: http://swamitripurari.com/2000/03/the-trees-of-vrindavana/

Kalpataru Dasa - March 2, 2013 5:56 pm

There was one of the first lectures by Guru Maharaja I'd ever heard, but I'm not sure if I remember the title. It was from '90s, I think it could be "Active Agent", but I'm not sure. Guru Maharaja in a very passioante way was saying about how to be faithful to the essence without being attached to the external things, and how he implements different unorthodox things in his mission (like for ex. doing prema dvani standing, not bowing, or even some days telling his disciples not to chant and all, but do something completely different:)) This lecture blew my mind and that time I knew I want Guru Maharaja to be my guru. I wish I could hear this ona again, but don't know how to find it. Maybe someone here knows which one it is?

Atmananda Dasa - March 16, 2013 12:19 pm

I really appreciated the recent lectures on catuh-sloki of the Bhagavatam. I learned a lot about the fundamental vision of the world, acintya bed abed tattva. I remember hearing Swami say that the unsteadiness in sadhana is due to the fact that we do not see Krishna everywhere. These lectures I think helped me to see Krishna more and have more steadiness in sadhana. They are also an excellent summary of Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy.

Panca Tattva Das - April 22, 2013 12:14 am

Thank you all for sharing your favorites. I am just now hearing some of them for the first time. All of the lectures are amazing, but these seem to be so personal and powerful. " Be like Water" is exquisite!


I am humbled.



Citta Hari Dasa - April 22, 2013 5:31 pm

The list for me would be very long, but one that comes to mind is the Gita lecture on Ch 17.3, the nature of faith. I listened to that one at least a dozen times.