
North Carolina Krishna Bhaktas

Arthur12652 - August 22, 2004 11:51 pm

Having just recently taken shelter of your (most gracious) Guru Maharaj, I am trying to identify other like-minded aspirants in my area of North Carolina. To this end I have created a "Yahoo Group" called NC Triad Krishna Study Group.

I was wondering whether any members of this virtual sanga live close to me in Greensboro. I realize that there are devotees in Sandy Ridge, but I am looking for people who live close enough to attend a weekly get-together for chanting, reading and discussion. If this group does eventually happen, I'm hoping to invite an "advanced" devotee (sannyasi or householder) once in a while to help us stay on the right track.

Is there anyone in my area who might be a potential member or advisor?

I'd also appreciate it if someone would visit the Yahoo group to check out what I've done and to give me some advice on what to do next.

By the way, this forum is wonderful! It really is a lifeline.

Vrindavandas - August 23, 2004 12:28 am

Dear Arthur,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga. I live in California, however I will be in Raleigh for 2 weeks in September for job training. I would love some association if it is not to far from you.


In service,


Vrindavan das

Vrindaranya Dasi - August 23, 2004 1:34 am

Dear Arthur,


I think that the closest devotees to you from Tattva-viveka are in Sandy Ridge, but with Guru Maharaja going to North Carolina in September who knows what will develop. :D




Sridama Dasa - August 25, 2004 6:25 pm



I grew up in Winston-Salem, and my parents are still there. I'm only in town twice a year or so, but would love to meet up if it's ever possible. Are you going to come to any of the programs at Sandy Ridge next month?


If you're interested, feel free to email me also. I live in DC now, but like I said, every once in a while I come through the area. My email is makeachange88@hotmail.com. (I think you can send and receive messages through this forum, but I don't know how!)





Radhanama Dasa - August 25, 2004 7:05 pm

I was wondering would anyone happen to know what the dates, times and locations are for the Sandy Ridge programs? I would love to drive down. Thanks in advance.





Madangopal - September 22, 2004 8:42 pm
I was wondering whether any members of this virtual sanga live close to me in Greensboro.


My name is Madan Gopal. I live in Hillsborough but I have been going to UNC-Greensboro for the past two years. I am there twice every week this semester on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I went to Swami's programs in Sandy Ridge last week, did you?