
Krsna did that?

Prema-bhakti - June 1, 2013 3:31 pm

Could not really come up with a good topic title but here goes the question. I need some clarification on the terms many bhaktas use to describe Krsna acting or intervening in their lives. Krsna does this or that or Krsna provided this or that is hard for me to hear these days. I mean I know from a siddhantic viewpoint, it isn't entirely on the mark but I also understand it is partly just semantics and is used to describe an event or blessing in a sadhaka's life and that many devotees don't necessarily follow the line of sastric logic in such a statement.It is more like a person saying, "Thank God". Doesn't have any deep philosophical implications.


Krsna is absorbed in lila and from what I understand he hears and he doesn't hear. He explains that he hears the prayers of the saranagatas. He also empowers his saranagata devotees to be his agents in this world and to distribute grace.


Sorry for the lack of sastric reference. Hope this makes sense.


Guru-nistha Das - June 1, 2013 8:50 pm

Good title, I thought. Peaked my interest right away, I was waiting for something scandalous ;)


Yes, it's ironic in one sense that devotees might say for example, "Krsna helped me land a new job" or "Krsna gave me a scholarship", because the attachments we have for work and education (or any other anartha, obivously) are part of the reason we are separated from him. Why would he be happy to assist us in our material pursuits when all they do (unless utilised for seva) is keep us from doing the thing that he actually wants from us?

Prema-bhakti - June 2, 2013 3:37 pm

So what is the alternative? It sounds really sentimental to me to thank Krsna in response to some mundane good fortune but what about spiritual events or events that are obviously helping us progress which can manifest as a job, etc.


In the Gita Krsna is giving the solution to Arjuna's dilemma by instructing him to basically be in the world but not of it. Prt of that exercise is having the philosophical framework to take in what is happening and moving in our lives on a consistent basis. It is easy to just meld it all together into a lump of Krsna's mercy if we identify as a bhakta. But not all together true or perhaps beneficial for a progressive sadhaka.

Guru-nistha Das - June 10, 2013 3:21 am

I guess like you said the alternative is to lean on the siddhanta. But personally I regret I can't seem to be able to have that more personal, emotional approach. I think it's easy for things to get a little too dry if we lean too far on the purely philosophical side. It's one of those balance things, I think.


Vridnaranya wanted to listen to the Christian radio today in the car, just to hear how they preach, and while the content was very sentimental and human-centric, I was realizing how that kind of faith really engages people more in their faith at the lower levels when taste is not there. It sort of brings God on a relatable level, and although it can easily become problematic and off base, it can be very enlivening for the pracititoner at the same time.

Prema-bhakti - June 11, 2013 2:07 pm

I appreciate what you are saying but I find that the way Christians generally preach and which another Gaudiya mission seems to appreciate and often models their outreach after leaves me with real concerns about the type of people that become attracted and why. If we are to discuss other traditions here, I find Western Buddhism to strike a better balance between Vedanta and a more human-centric appeal without the fervor and sentimental zeal which often inspires a dumbed down version of siddhanta taught by less than stellar exemplars and which consequently fosters a less than solid philosophical standing and as a result shallow commitment.


I believe authenticity and honesty coupled with siddhanta is a good combination for outreach for all those concerned.