
species of humans

Bryan - June 2, 2013 10:01 pm

SP explains in his Gita there are so many forms of life; 420,000 species of human life alone.


Are there any explanations or elaborations on this fact in the revealed texts? I intuitively feel this to be true, for as I go along in this life, I notice folks, unbeknownst to one another, who often share similar interests and inclinations. Perhaps this in part explains why a certain person is drawn to a particular practice (the body/mind wetware in which the soul operates in the material world gravitates toward a certain practice).


Any thoughts / realizations on this Vedic fact are welcome - please share.


And my apologies to the advanced souls who might find this question uninteresting, as it regards a more bodily concept.

Swami - June 3, 2013 1:14 am

It is not clear what the sacred text considered a species. Thus the number may not correspond with what is considered a species in today's scientific community. I believe today's definition would include more than 8,400,000.


As for what is meant by human species in the sacred texts, this appears to refer to species with self awareness, as opposed to less complex species who lack this trait. Thus it includes gods, apasaras, gandharvas, etc.