
May I visit Audarya or Madhuvan?

Yamuna Dasi - June 21, 2013 5:20 pm

Dear devotees,


I am not sure who should I ask if I can visit Audarya or Madhuvan ashrams, is it Tripurari Maharaj or the respective devotees who take responsibility for those ashrams.

This is why I would address the only one who I know in person, Tripurari Maharaj:


My dear spiritual Uncle,

May I visit you in Audarya or Madhuvan ashram? I would like to meet you and my spiritual cousins and be a part of the ashram life for 1-2-3 weeks.

Is this possible and when?



Yamuna d.

Braja-sundari Dasi - June 21, 2013 11:34 pm

You may start much closer, Yamuna! Guru Maharaj will be very soon in Poland on 10 day retreat. The best opportunity to attend many classes and get know European devotees! I`m sure there will be some opportunity for seva as well.

Yamuna Dasi - June 22, 2013 5:29 am

Thank you, Braja-sundari Devi!


Could you please give me the schedule for that preaching tour of Maharaj? I can go there to meet him.

But still I would like to visit Audarya or Madhuvan (I've read somewhere on Tattva-viveka that summer is the proper time) because I would love to see the devotional farms which are the true home of my Uncle. :)

I loved the pictures with the calves and that simple life near the nature.

I am working on the Bulgarian translation of Gita of Maharaj and would like to have some more time in a peaceful atmosphere for asking him questions about the translation of some parts and the future publishing of the book. I don't know if there will be time for this in Polland.

Madan Gopal Das - June 22, 2013 12:47 pm

Yamuna, here is a thread with info about the Polish retreat: http://tattvaviveka.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2277&do=findComment&comment=24932

Yamuna Dasi - June 24, 2013 7:47 am

Thank you.

But could you please read the title of the topic (and the main point of my previous message)? It's:

"May I visit Audarya or Madhuvan?"

If one asks about Vrindavan don't send him to Dvaraka. :)

Braja-sundari Dasi - June 24, 2013 8:28 pm

If you go to the retreat you could ask Maharaja directly about the details of such visit. Otherwise be patient and wait for his reply here. He is probably too busy at the moment to even check what`s new on Tattva viveka. He is preparing for big preaching programs this week as well as his regular classes, he writes his book and supervises some construction. Not much time to go through all on line discussions on different websites :)


Remember that for visiting Audarya or Saragrahi you will need American visa. I don`t know how about Costa Rica.

Yamuna Dasi - June 25, 2013 7:03 pm

Thank you for the update.

OK, I will wait for Maharaja's responce to my question.

Sure I am aware that I will need US visa and I don't think I'll have problem to receive such.

Braja-sundari Dasi - June 27, 2013 5:45 pm

Guru Maharaj left for preaching for a few days. But I asked him when he was going out and he said you could visit Madhuvan some time in December or January. About requirements for such visit you can talk to Sanatana Goswami Das, who is our manager. (not now though, he is also preaching with Guru Maharaja) :)

Yamuna Dasi - July 1, 2013 1:31 pm

Thank you very much Braja-sundari Devi!

I have 3 questions:

1. Could you please give me the email address of Sanatana Goswami prabhu so that I can contact him for the details?

2. Shall Tripurari Maharaj be in NMadhuvan Dec-Jan?

3. Is it winter there at this time of the year and how cold is it?