
The meaning of the name "Ekalavya"?

Yamuna Dasi - July 1, 2013 1:43 pm

Since I know that there are many devotees in this forum who are quite expert in Sanscrit, I would like to ask if somebody knows does the name "Ekalavya" has some meaning?

I am preparing for a lecture on the Ekalavya story from Mahabharata and any information in this regard would be very helpful, thank you!

For example besides the meaning of the name if somebody knows some other references about him outside Mahabharata?



Citta Hari Dasa - July 16, 2013 11:32 am

Of course it means "one-thumb," referring no doubt to his giving one of his thumbs to Drona as daksina. I've never heard a reference to him other than in Mbh, but the point of the story is that one can't just consider oneself a disciple of someone without that person's consent. Mercy flows from up to down, and there is a system whereby we can beg for mercy. Even though it appeared as though he had intense devotion to Dronacarya, Ekalavya went against the system and considered himself Drona's disciple even after Drona refused to accept Ek as such. Thus the very skill Ekalavya worshiped Drona to acquire was taken by Drona ostensibly so that Ekalavya couldn't compete with Arjuna as an archer but also to demonstrate Drona's displeasure with Ekalavya's behavior.

Braja-sundari Dasi - July 16, 2013 12:27 pm

Thus the very skill Ekalavya worshiped Drona to acquire was taken by Drona ostensibly so that Ekalavya couldn't compete with Arjuna as an archer but also to demonstrate Drona's displeasure with Ekalavya's behavior.


Not exactly... Ekalavya lost some expertise but not all of it. He still remained excellent archer. And altough punishment was severe, the fact that Drona asked for dakshina meant he was finally accepted as his disciple. Drona could just curse him to loose power. Instead he chose to give Ekalavya heavy lesson on surrender.

Citta Hari Dasa - July 16, 2013 9:55 pm

Good points Braja!