
Kirtana and Smarana

Prema-bhakti - July 11, 2013 1:17 am

"Of these five, Mahaprabhu has given Nama-sankirtana the highest position. Nama-sankirtana is considered best of all—designated as such by the acaryas. Our Guru Maharaja especially promoted kirtana, as indicated by sastra, the scriptures. But if other acaryas have shown preference for smarana in any instance, it is in the sense that kirtana may be performed within the material environment, whereas smarana is independent of any material consideration. From this point of view, smarana may be deemed "higher," but that is not accepted in a general way. It is a special opinion."


I don't understand this quote in regards to Sridhara Swami's explanation of why smarana may be deemed "higher" by some acaryas. Would someone explain this, "it is in the sense that kirtana may be performed within the material environment, whereas smarana is independent of any material consideration."




Citta Hari Dasa - July 11, 2013 5:31 pm

Kirtana affords baddha-jivas entry into bhakti without seeking any qualification at all, whereas smaranam requires considerable purity of heart. Kirtana qualifies one for smaranam, and it also includes smaranam within it.

Prema-bhakti - July 11, 2013 8:31 pm

Thanks Citta. So it would be deemed. "higher" because there is some qualification needed? Smarana being "independent of any material consideration" indicates it is internal seva?

Citta Hari Dasa - July 13, 2013 5:43 pm

Yes, higher in the sense that not just anyone can do it. Smaranam proper is the principal limb of raganuga-bhakti and as such is an internal practice. But kirtana is still said to be better in that it includes smaranam (of the nama, rupa, guna, and lila) within it.