
Fall season here at Saragrahi

Goloka Dasa - October 20, 2013 3:06 pm

Haribol God brothers and God sisters! It is a very busy time of year here at Saragrahi Guru Maharajah's NC community. During the month and half that Guru Maharajah is here there will be several speaking engagements, mini festivals, and one huge festival for Govardhan puja. This Govardhan puja festival will become an annual festival celebrated at Saragrahi and all of the devotees are welcome. Today we are with Guru Maharajah and many others in Prabhupada village for a class at Archana siddhi's house and the Krishna road temple. The lecture last night started with a question about the verses attributed to Lord Chaitanya and will be a good audio to listen to. Back home the cow herders are tending to our three cows and I have been working on our strawberry farm expansion.

Swami - October 20, 2013 4:42 pm

Yes, it's great out here this time of year!

Tadiya Dasi - October 20, 2013 6:48 pm

Sounds so nice...Wish I could come and take part in all of the joy :) Well, I'm there at least in spirit (and in listening the audio - with gratitude!)

Madan Gopal Das - October 21, 2013 12:58 am

Goloka, a great place to post regular updates specifically about Saragrahi would be the "Saragrahi daily" thread one page back in this "Saragrahi Notes" forum. We originally started it for updates about the project and for people living there a little home to share news from. There have been no posts there for almost 2 years! I wish I could import all my photos from FB!

Goloka Dasa - October 26, 2013 11:31 pm

Ooops I thought I was Madan Gopal.... :Confused: perhaps you can show me how when I see you next

Bijaya Kumara Das - October 28, 2013 10:59 pm

Ksiro & I wish we could be there all glories to the new Sahagrahi