
Siksastakam verse 4

Madan Gopal Das - July 14, 2014 2:23 pm

O Lord of the universe,

I don't want wealth, followers,

beautiful women, wisdom, or verse.

I ask only for unalloyed bhakti unto you,

O Pranesvara, birth after birth.

Madan Gopal Das - July 14, 2014 2:44 pm

* this verse demonstrates the stage of ruci


- humility (trnad api) feeds development of love, and with deeper love, deeper humility arises.


- the medicine of nama becomes food, and undeterred devotion becomes unmotivated devotion. ref SB 1.2.6 - ahaituki apratihata

Madan Gopal Das - July 14, 2014 2:56 pm

- the marginal characteristic (tatastha-laksana) of ruci is freedom from ulterior motive. This mirrors BRS's anyabhilasita sunyam, jnana karamadyanavrtam


- the principal characteristic (svarupa-laksana) of ruci is attachment to bhakti. (BRS anukulyena krsnanusilanam)

Madan Gopal Das - July 14, 2014 3:02 pm

- The first two lines of Mahaprabhu's verse here describe the marginal characteristics of ruci bhakti. He desires nothing of the purusartha's, goals of life - dharma, artha, kama, moksa.