
Test forum

Ramakesava - July 12, 2015 5:57 pm

Dear devotees,


One of the recent requests has been the creation and maintenance of a contact list: this would be a tool, preferrably with a filter, where one could search for local devotees for association.


Vrndaranya asked me to work on this, and I have worked out both a short-term and long-term solution. The long-term one is unavailable pending other work, but the short-term could work, after some testing.


In the next few days or week you may see an extra forum called "Test" or something similar: this will be me sorting out the necessary access permissions so that it can be used most helpfully, and allow for data to also be "on request"...


I may require a "guinea pig" (test subject), someone who can see if it is working the way I expect. This cannot be a member of the Admin team, because they can all see everything. If anyone has a few moments to spare, do let me know. Otherwise, please just ignore the "test forum", and 'don't touch'!


Many thanks, and

hoping this will all work as planned!



Rama Kesava dasa

Murālidhāra Das - July 12, 2015 11:20 pm

I can help be the test-pigy.

Ramakesava - July 13, 2015 4:29 pm

I can help be the test-pigy.


Thank you Muralidhara prabhu. I'll be in touch -- probably not today, as I'm only just home from work and I've got a few things to get done first.

Gauravani Dasa - July 29, 2015 10:22 pm


Gauravani Dasa - July 29, 2015 10:24 pm

Testing again...
