Dear devotees,
Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau jayatah!
You may have noticed some forums changing at the bottom of the main Tattva-viveka screen. After some testing which Muralidhara prabhu kindly helped me with, I'm please to announce the Contact List feature is now live.
This will eventually be replaced by something more sophisticated, but in the meantime here is how it works:
On the main screen you will see a section "Contact List", with two main parts: the Contact List proper, and a subforum for submitting details. In Submissions, you can post to add, amend or remove details. I would suggest you can choose to submit any or all of the following:
* Note: You can indicate if you would like information to be available, but only on request. Please can you write this in your post. If you do so, then the Contact List will say that there are details available, but to contact a member of the Admin team to do this.
Your posts will be invisible, and then Admin (okay, me most likely because I volunteered) can transfer the details across to the Contact List. The Contact Lists don't have many details in them yet, and the structure will be fleshed out once there is more details there.
Regardless, I hope this facilitates the basic premise, that is to give devotees a method for contacting devotees locally.
If there are any questions, then please do just ask. Suggestions for improvement also very welcome.
Rama Kesava dasa