
"Voting members" of SCS Relations Committee

Gopakumara Das - July 22, 2015 4:00 pm


Sri Caitanya Sangha Development; Sri Caitanya Sangha Relations Committee; "Voting" member nominations

Citta Hari Dasa - July 22, 2015 5:34 pm

I nominate Bhakti rasa for Saragrahi.

Bhakti-rasa - July 22, 2015 6:43 pm

So this committee is like the House of Representatives?

Gopakumara, sorry for my dullness, but could you please explain a little more as to what you see as being the role and task of such a committee.


Seems to me that the potential first projects suggested above would be more the tasks of a pastoral counseling arm of SCS than a representative committee.

Bhakti-rasa - July 22, 2015 6:49 pm

How much autonomy does Guru Maharaja want for each of his projects? How much interdependency? And are there particular areas (development, expenditures, monastic standards, etc) which might have autonomous considerations, where the decisions should be made locally as opposed to "globally", whereas other areas would be uniform through out the global sangha?

Ekendra - July 22, 2015 7:36 pm

I'm not nominating myself for anything, but I just want Australia and New Zealand to be noted as a sort of "pocket community". My wife and I are distanced but committed to Swami Tripurari. There are also a lot of devotees who think highly of him on this side of the globe. When I read "1. reaching out to 'distanced' community members," as your #1 priority I smiled. The online videos are great!

Braja-sundari Dasi - July 22, 2015 8:49 pm

Madhuvan nominates Gaurasundara dasa

Goloka Dasa - July 23, 2015 12:15 am

I want to nominate Ashram Maharajah! For Saragrahi! and Lila Mayi for Portland!

Gopakumara Das - July 23, 2015 1:54 am

Bhaktirasa asks:

Gopakumara, sorry for my dullness, but could you please explain a little more as to what you see as being the role and task of such a committee.



DELETED SCSR document. The document can be viewed in Announcements; Sri Caitanya Sanga Development; Sri Caitanya Sanga Relations Committee; page 1, first post.

Gopakumara Das - July 23, 2015 1:56 am

I'm not nominating myself for anything, but I just want Australia and New Zealand to be noted as a sort of "pocket community". My wife and I are distanced but committed to Swami Tripurari. There are also a lot of devotees who think highly of him on this side of the globe. When I read "1. reaching out to 'distanced' community members," as your #1 priority I smiled. The online videos are great!


What a lovely post. I think we will create regions and representatives for those regions. We can certainly include Australia as a region and we would need a representative for each 10 community members with a minimum of 1 representative.

Gopakumara Das - July 23, 2015 2:03 am


Ramakesava - July 23, 2015 3:16 am

You may not get a response from Europe for a while with everyone at the festival in Poland. Also, having no not seen anyone active on here, are we sure they know TV is this active and are checking it?

I must admit, I am very interested in this from a serving/facilitating and advisory point of view (being disposed to fully understanding decisions in order to implement them), but I am loath to nominate myself, unless the other European devotees would wish it.


Gauravani had mentioned a disciples list (can't find the post/conversation to reference). I think Sanatana controls this; you may wish to cross-reference the metrics with it (as in 30 devotees at a location, means 3). Your overview might also prove easier if the Contact List were updated (hint!).

Gauravani Dasa - July 23, 2015 10:03 am

I nominate Madan Gopal for Saragrahi.

Swami B. A. Ashram - July 23, 2015 11:23 am

Judging from the attendance at the festival here in Poland, I'd say the "Europe pocket" is a pretty big one. I don't know how many of these devotees are members of this board or the Fb TV group, so I'm not sure how we will get them involved. But I think it's important that we do so.


I also don't know how many of the devotees from the Midwest US are active here. Maybe I should check out the membership.

Ramakesava - July 23, 2015 11:25 am


I had planned to put a post up on the Facebook Tattva-Viveka at the conclusion of the festival, and to tag as many European devotees as I know.

The continental European contingent is fairly hefty. I think the U.K. is dwarfed in comparison.

Braja-sundari Dasi - July 23, 2015 12:21 pm

Most European disciples of Guru Maharaj live in Poland and Finland. Some live in England, and few live in different countries. So I don`t think it will be possible for them to have 1 person who represents all.



Maybe Ashram Maharaj could encourage more devotees to (re) join TV forum?

Ramakesava - July 23, 2015 12:34 pm

Maybe Ashram Maharaj could encourage more devotees to (re) join TV forum?

I agree! Maharaja...?


Most European disciples of Guru Maharaj live in Poland and Finland. Some live in England, and few live in different countries. So I don't think it will be possible for them to have 1 person who represents all.

In that case, I volunteer for the UK.

Subal Das - July 23, 2015 1:33 pm

I would like to nominate Subal for Saragrahi/central NC.

Subal Das - July 23, 2015 1:53 pm

I nominate Madan Gopal.

Bhakti-rasa - July 23, 2015 4:04 pm

I decline my nomination. However, seems like Saragrahi and eastern NC - Hillsboro, Raleigh, - should have their own rep. If that is agreed upon, I second the nomination for Ashram Maharaja (Saragrahi) and Madan Gopal (ENC) both.

Gauravani Dasa - July 23, 2015 4:07 pm

2nd Ashrama Maharaja.

Bhakti-rasa - July 23, 2015 4:12 pm

I nominate Ekendra for Australia/NZ

Gopakumara Das - July 23, 2015 10:12 pm

I have edited the nominations to reflect new edits.


Rama Keshava... I think you would be very helpful on projects, but you have taken on so much already and are helping SCS so much!! . I think dedicating your energy efficiently on a few things is best. The contact list, if it can be collected is SO VERY CRITICAL to what I hope SCSR committee will attempt to do. Please please keep this task up. If you want to help more with SCSR, we can use help finding some devotees that we have lost touch with.

Gopakumara Das - July 24, 2015 1:13 am

Audarya Vasis?

Another East Coaster (New York)?

Another Midwest (Kansas)?

I nominate myself (Gopa Kumara) for Midwest and Rohini Priya for West coast also. I thst coast will need at least 2 reps (the numbers must be ascertained). She has been helping for some time already. I think west coast will need at least 2 reps (the numbers must be ascertained).

Gauravani Dasa - July 24, 2015 11:34 am

I'm not in Audarya but I nominate Vrindaranya. I'm not sure if that conflicts with her other role(s) on the committee but just throwing that out there!

Gopakumara Das - July 24, 2015 12:55 pm

Thanks for this Gauravani!! Vrindaranya will likely decline as she has too many commitments. But she is my main source of consultation with GM!

Vamsidhari Dasa - July 24, 2015 4:50 pm

I would like to be on this committee but I am not sure what pocket I belong to. Maybe just cuz I'm a pocket square.

Caitanya-daya Dd - July 24, 2015 4:56 pm

In that case, I nominate Vamsi-dhari for the second West Coast rep :)

Lalita-sakhi Dasi - July 24, 2015 5:30 pm

Audarya Vasis?

Another East Coaster (New York)?

Another Midwest (Kansas)?


I nominate myself (Gopa Kumara) for Midwest and Rohini Priya for West coast also. I thst coast will need at least 2 reps (the numbers must be ascertained). She has been helping for some time already. I think west coast will need at least 2 reps (the numbers must be ascertained).

There are not many of us committed to SCS in Kansas-- I think 3, possibly 4. So I think Gopa Kumar might represent us too.

Gopakumara Das - July 24, 2015 5:49 pm

Vamsi dhari, my darling pocket square, you are added to West Coast region nominations


Midwest region: I would still like to see one of the many Kansas people to be nominated. Depending on how many of us there are there and throughout the midwest, we may need more than one.


I nominate Ananda-Mayi of the Audarya vasis.

Vrindaranya Dasi - July 25, 2015 4:15 pm

Thanks for this Gauravani!! Vrindaranya will likely decline as she has too many commitments. But she is my main source of consultation with GM!

Thanks Gauravani! As Gopakumara predicted I have to decline. I would like to nominate Sanatana and Kishore Krsna for the list of nominees for Audarya, although I imagine that Sanatana will have to decline for health reasons. I also agree that Ananda-mayi is a wonderful nominee as well, as would be any of the Audarya-vasis!

Gopakumara Das - July 26, 2015 1:08 am

UPDATES to nominees.


Please note that these are only nominations. Once nominations are complete we will consult with Gurumaharaja who will give his input on whether this may be the best service for some members. After that is complete, the remaining nominees will be subject to either a vote (if competing with other nominees) or if the only nominee, the community will be consulted to ensure that there are not serious objections to that representation. If there are, then another nominee will be requested and a vote will ensue.

Gopakumara Das - July 26, 2015 1:39 pm


Sri Caitanya Sangha Development; Sri Caitanya Sangha Relations Committee; "Voting" member nominations