
Life in Madhuvan

Braja-sundari Dasi - August 1, 2015 2:42 am

Guru Purnima day was very sweet in Madhuvan. Gaur and Syam made a very nice lunch. In the afternoon we shaved our heads, following the example of Brajabasis. And in the evening we sang 4 songs, followed by short discussion about Sanatana Goswami.


Sat Goswami Astakam by Srinivas Acarya and song of Narottama Dasa, popularly known as "ye anilo prema dhana" have something special about them, they are full of intense feelings, very beautiful and very touching.

And then we sang songs about guru, Sri Guru Vandanam and the song that Syamasundar wrote for Guru Maharaja some years ago. (hmm, I don`t remeber the tittle), the first one know to all the devotees the second one a little treasure that probably not many devotees know about (the song is somewhere here on TV).


And now the full moon is just about to rise...



Swami - August 1, 2015 2:46 am


We just finished our celebration here at Audarya with a discussion or Raghunatha dasa Goswami's glorification of Sanatana Goswami.

Braja-sundari Dasi - September 17, 2015 1:17 pm

Missing Madhuvan on my "exile" in Poland :Love: I recall our recent festivals. First years in Madhuvan were sometimes very intense, making proper observing of Holidays quite a challenge. Later we got "spoiled" by having bigger crew and guests who came to celebrate with us.



And now again we were just four, no guests came. But both Balarama Purnima and Janmastami were amazing! There was everything that such festivities should include: great decorations, bhajans and kirtans, abhisek, Guru Maharaja`s classes via internet and delicious feasts. And there was also time for our private spiritual practice and our unique ways of celebrating these days (like brushing the cows and visiting pastures on Balarama Purnima or puspa abhiseka for Deities). And most important- there was great spirit of seva which I hope to acquire myself by associating with my wonderful God-siblings.


It was such a joyful and inspiring time and I wish one day we could share this amazing atmosphere with more devotees.