
Mādhuvan Cabins have been listed

Murālidhāra Das - August 11, 2015 9:55 pm



I have finished setting up the first listing for our cabins on the airbnb.com web site. I set up the price to be $42 dollars a night for a two bed (+full bath) cabin a night.


The food is $15 extra per person per day.


The title (for now) is: Remote Bhakti-Yoga Monastery Cabin(s)


The index for searching is not connected to the title. The search criteria has mostly to do with the location. There are others within the 15km range of our cabins that have similar set ups and look like the rent often enough.








Any ideas or suggestions would be great.


I have created a dedicated email address for all correspondences. I will keep plugging away a setting up the cabins on Craigslist and more sites as well. There are still some things I need to finish working on in the cabins to make them the best they can be for guests.




In loving service,

Murālidhāra Das

Gaurasundara Dasa - August 11, 2015 11:53 pm

Wow. Looks great Murli. I want to rent one!

Bhakti-rasa - August 12, 2015 1:29 am

Great job. One thing...the listing appears to be the three cabins for $42/night. Is that correct, or did you mean $42/night/cabin?

Murālidhāra Das - August 12, 2015 2:18 am

Great job. One thing...the listing appears to be the three cabins for $42/night. Is that correct, or did you mean $42/night/cabin?



Good point, I will make it more explicit.




In loving service,

Murālidhāra Das

Murālidhāra Das - August 12, 2015 3:41 pm

I made the changes now. Please review for any further typos or incongruences.

So far I have detailed 2 people per cabin. (two beds in each cabin)

I have the option to allow for extra people and add a charge. Good idea? Price?


Should I add a security deposit or cleaning fee?





In loving service,

Murālidhāra Das

Swami - August 12, 2015 3:44 pm

Perhaps you should add a charge for extra people.

Murālidhāra Das - August 13, 2015 1:30 am

Perhaps you should add a charge for extra people.





Karnamrita Das - August 14, 2015 9:19 pm

You did a fab job in the promotion and the pics are great too. My fly like nature came in handy to find two typos:


In "The Neighborhood" the last sentence in the 1st paragraph please note: A four-wheel drive vehicle is necessary to go drive to our gate....." The go in not required.


Then in the "Guest Access" 2nd paragraph 3rd sentence: "Home cooked meals with the monastics are an potion. (should be option--unless you have a magic potion available!)

Murālidhāra Das - August 15, 2015 9:06 pm

Hari Hari,


Thanks Karnamrita, the suggestions were duly noted.





In loving service,

Murālidhāra Das