
Cartago preaching

Gaurasundara Dasa - August 11, 2015 11:33 pm

As many of you know Guru Maharaj has been visiting a temple in Cartago each time he visits Madhuvan. He has developed a very nice relationship with the devotees there who are always eager for his visits and classes. Guru Maharaj felt a lot of affection and sincerity from these devotees and wanted to continue the relationship with them even while he was not in the country. So we have been going every couple weeks to do kirtan and hold classes with them. On Saturdays we give class from GM's Siksastakam to the core group of devotees and on Sunday we participate in their Sunday feast by leading kirtan and giving the class, usually from the Bhagavad gita. Last weekend we were invited by our friend Milton to sell GM's books at a yoga event he had a table at. Guru Maharaj's books are going out in Central America now. We really need to get them printed in Spanish. It is high on our priority list as most people don't really read or speak much English. I will post pics and videos on Facebook because the max upload here seem to be to way too small.

Ramakesava - August 12, 2015 4:47 am

Last weekend we were invited by our friend Milton to sell GM's books at a yoga event he had a table at. Guru Maharaj's books are going out in Central America now. We really need to get them printed in Spanish. It is high on our priority list as most people don't really read or speak much English.


That's a very good point. I understand the books have been translated into Polish, but we rightly need a list of language priorities in the Suggestion Box, with Spanish sounding like it's up near the top.