
Life Lease- Cabin Construction

Gopakumara Das - August 19, 2015 2:41 am

I saw that this topic was locked on the donations thread. I didn't know if that was to put a stop to it because there is a preferred thread or if the topic is unwanted for now. But I am very interested in the topic. I am putting a bit of money toward my retirement yearly with the image of varnaprastha in mind. I would love to start thinking ahead to where my final years will be spent and begin planning toward that. I am turning 40 in December!


Any more info on life leases, cost, conditions and cabin construction prices & restrictions? I want to build a cabin or 'tiny house' somewhere in the coming years.

Bhakti-rasa - August 19, 2015 4:25 am

Saragrahi is the place to be...By the time the fall festival comes around, we will be able to give you details and show you some areas being designated for a vanaprastha neighborhood. I also have some designs for cabins I can show you then as well.

Ramakesava - August 19, 2015 4:46 am

I saw that this topic was locked on the donations thread. I didn't know if that was to put a stop to it because there is a preferred thread or if the topic is unwanted for now. But I am very interested in the topic.


No, it's not unwanted. Every topic that was summarised into another was locked.


In this instance the new topic is "Other Income Streams" or "Location-specific considerations". Actually, I think it's something that may have been omitted by accident. Can you have a think which it belongs to more appropriately?