
Weekly Video Conference

Nanda Kumar Das - August 27, 2015 11:54 pm

Hare Krsna!


I wanted to take a moment to float and idea to the Sanga. It occurs to me that there are other devotees that might be in a similar circumstance to myself, being in a region or area that is geographically far removed from other devotees.


Would anyone be interested in video conferencing once a week for an hour to share association. I was thinking we could have a very laid back approach, just talk about how things are going in our journeys. My thought is to utilize vsee (vsee.com) for the meetings. I use it in my counseling practice. It uses relatively low bandwidth, but runs very well. It is also free!


If anyone is interested post here or send me an email at: astadha@gmail.com. We can work out the logistics.


In service,

Nanda Kumar Das

Ramakesava - August 28, 2015 7:11 pm

This is a very good idea indeeed. Here in the UK, I feel quite separated from the body of devotees, especially as iskcon have made it clear they do not wish to associate with us*, and the rest of us in the UK are nevertheless six hundred miles south of here!

Do you know what limitations there are on vsee, Nanda Kumar? I'm thinking:

  • cost for participants -- there is a free version, it seems?
  • functionality -- if there is a free version, does it "hobble" the user by denying functionality available in non-free versions; and
  • scalability -- how many simultaneous connections does it support (i.e. how many of us can "meet" at once)?

Don't think the questions are negative at all! I think this is wonderful idea! :)

* - I mean this not as a criticism merely as a statement of fact; they have their reasons.

Nanda Kumar Das - September 2, 2015 4:39 pm


  • I believe the service is free.
  • I don't believe that the functionality is reduced for the free version
  • As far as I am aware the service will accommodate 4 to 6 simultaneous connections.


Logistically speaking we have four of us at this point. Three in the eastern United States time zone, which is five hours behind London time. I can do a standing meeting at 5pm on Wednesdays, 4 PM on Thursdays. The rest of my week is on a rotation at the hospital, so it would be difficult for me to consistently make a meeting. My thought is that consistency overtime might build this group into a fixture in our Sangha. Of course, the group does not need to operator on my schedule. Scheduling thoughts?

Nanda Kumar Das - September 16, 2015 6:01 pm

Our little group is going to meet again this week. 4 PM on Thursday, ESTime. If anyone is interested in joining us, download the software and send me an email for an invite.

Ramakesava - September 16, 2015 6:09 pm

I will join you after the 25th. Is it usually 4pm EST? (that's 9pm my time, I think!)

Ramakesava - October 4, 2015 7:53 am

Haribol, Nanda Kumar! Dandavats!

Were you able to try it out last month? Did it work well?

Karnamrita Das - October 17, 2015 2:35 pm

My wife and I have been on every call so far which has totaled 3 calls. We tried Skype last Thursday and it worked better than VSee. It will be more of test with more devotees on at once, but we want to try it out.

Ramakesava - October 17, 2015 3:55 pm

My wife and I have been on every call so far which has totaled 3 calls. We tried Skype last Thursday and it worked better than VSee. It will be more of test with more devotees on at once, but we want to try it out.


This sounds great, Karnamrta! As I mentioned in my email to you all, Skype is easier for me -- and if I'm not at my computer, I can do it on my mobile phone, which means you're not hanging about waiting for me.


I tried to add you on Skype -- did it work?

Karnamrita Das - October 17, 2015 4:09 pm

Yes, my wife added you on her acct since this is the one we use on the call. Haribol!

Ramakesava - October 17, 2015 4:29 pm

Ah, now I understand, Karnamrita! I couldn't understand why I could see Arcana-Sindhi, but not you.....