
Sale of herbal goods: Tattva's Herbs Organics

Murālidhāra Das - September 1, 2015 3:03 pm



I have an idea that could work towards funding Mādhuvan here in Costa Rica. We can become sellers and importers of Tattva's Herbs Organics. I have noticed there are many small "macrobiotic" storefronts and even houses with signs that sell Himalayan branded Indian herbs and pills for health. The idea may include supplying stores with Tattva's Herbs and selling ourselves online.


There are several ebay-like selling sources online we can take advantage of. We can market locally and become whole-sellers.


Any ideas or suggestions on how to go about something like this?



In loving service,

Murālidhāra Das

Panca Tattva Das - September 1, 2015 4:30 pm

Murālidhāra Das,


You can contact me at ptattva@gmail.com. We should give it a try.




Pancatattva das