
Swagatam Swagatam again!!!!

Madan Gopal Das - November 21, 2018 5:13 pm

I’ve been complaining for too long about this amazing discussion forum being abandoned to Facebook. Several years ago the traffic here dwindled, we tried to keep up, and then finally were overwhelmed by the new age of social media.

I NEED an outlet for sajatiya sanga that I can share and discuss (bodhayanta parasparam kathayantah) bhakti tattva in this rare confidential group of followers and friends guided by our Guru Maharaj.

Several stalwarts of this forum have expressed to me similar lamentation towards the ills of social media and the fond memories of the discussions here, so here is a hearty welcome back and a commitment from myself to provide content to this forum.

As for the actual look and feel of the forum, I had to try my best to do some redesign after an update threw it into awful colors and we were unable to recover the old design. I’m not attached and open to any suggestions if anyone wants to give feedback about the look.

so happy to be back! 

daso ‘smi,

madan gopal das

Ramakesava - November 22, 2018 6:00 pm

Haribol, Madan Gopal prabhu!  

Very glad to see you and Syamananda posting on here.  

I actually like your redesign -- I had no idea who did it, and just assumed it must have been Vrndaranya.  I especially like the picture of Sarvabhauma and Mahaprabhu.

Gauravani Dasa - November 25, 2018 2:29 pm
