
We are Madhuvan!

Krsangi Dasi - January 28, 2019 7:38 pm

Our Guru Maharaja Tripurari Swami has expressed a wish to withdraw from managing and maintaining the ashrams of our Sangha in order to concentrate on writing, teaching and taking spiritual care of devotees. His decision calls on all of us inspired by his vision to take more responsibility in the maintenance and development of our ashrams. 

The economic situation in Madhuvan is severe. Guru Maharaja has been personally subsidizing the monthly shortfalls in Madhuvan’s budget for years. He is not able to do it anymore as the past couple of years donations, especially monthly tithing, has gone down significantly throughout the Sangha. 

This has left Madhuvan in a tight spot, as the regular donations coming in through the year keep the ashram going during the quiet months. There are plans to increase income from several other sources, but for the immediate future, we need to cover a monthly deficit of $1,000.

Let’s unite our strength and work together in order to strengthen Madhuvan as a place of pilgrimage and spiritual refuge of our own.


Donate monthly and make a difference!

We are looking for devotees who can donate at least $10 monthly for Madhuvan (in addition to previously existing donations for Guru Maharaja and/or the other ashrams of our Sangha). Steady monthly donations bring economic balance and security for devotees managing the ashram. Planning needed renovations is also easier when donations are coming in regularly. 

The devotees in Madhuvan have created a 3-year plan for developing Madhuvan as a writers' residency and educational center for yoga philosophy. In the future a bigger share of the ashram’s income is going to come from locally-run different projects. 

Even within the frames of bigger development plans our ashrams are and will be a great chance for us to practice the art of giving and caring for each other. Let us not lose this opportunity.


The goal of the campaign

If many people are able to give a little, it will add up. With the following team of donors we could reach our goal and make a big difference in the everyday life of Madhuvan.
20 donors at $10 monthly
8 donors at $25 monthly
4 donors at $50 monthly
1 donor at $150 monthly
1 donor at $250 monthly


Start donating now and receive a gift in May 2019!

Take a moment once a month to think about Madhuvan and the devotees living in the ashram. Let them know that you are there for them by making a donation just like they are there for the rest of us by maintaining ashram as a spiritual center of us all! 

$10 - Moral Supporter – You will receive our thanks and gratitude for your support! 
Ten dollars a month adds up to $120 in a year. $120, for example,covers all the groceries and meals for 12 days, propane for a month or a technical revision for the car (done once in a year).

$25 - Bonafide Backer – You will receive a personal greeting from the Madhuvan devotees in the mail. 
A monthly donation of $ 25 adds up to $ 300 in a year. That covers for example all groceries of the ashram for a month or internet for a month. (It is really so expensive out there in the jungle!)

$50 - Passionate Patron – You will receive the personal greeting and a set of five postcards, designed and drawn by award-winning comic artist Kaisa Leka (Krisangi dasi). http://www.kaisaleka.net
$50 a month adds up to $ 600 in a year. With $ 600 devotees can buy all the hay that is needed annually for the cows and the horse during the dry season.

$150 - Generous Booster – You will receive the personal greeting, postcard set and a beautiful print designed and drawn by devotional artist Saragrahi dasi. https://www.facebook.com/SaragrahiArt/
A monthly donation of $150 adds up to $1,800 in a year. It covers all the groceries needed for the ashram for 6 months. 

$250 - Angel Investor – You will receive the personal greeting, postcard set, art print and a voucher for a week's free accommodation in Madhuvan in February when Guru Maharaja is there. Come experience the beauty of Dauji-Gopala, the unique mood of the arati ceremonies in the jungle and the sumptuous prasadam! 
$250 a month adds up to $3,000 in a year. With $3,000 devotees can pay all the regular expenses of the ashram for a month.

If you are already donating monthly, don’t worry. You will receive the same presents.


Donation Information

You can set up a monthly donation by visiting the webpage http://swamitripurari.com/donate/ Click on the Donate to Madhuvan button and you’ll be directed to PayPal where you can choose the amount. 

The devotees of Madhuvan really appreciate donations coming in regularly, and therefore kindly ask you to use the “Monthly donation” option by checking the box. It will set up a recurring PayPal donation. (One-time donations are naturally appreciated very much as well.)

We can send you the bank account number for Madhuvan, in case you don't use PayPal. You can contact us via email: kaisa@kaisaleka.net or hanna.moilanen@gmail.com 

Also, if you are able to spread the word about the campaign, please do so. Together we can make dreams and small miracles come true! 

Gratefully yours,
Krisangi dasi and Haripriya dasi,

Faraway friends of Madhuvan

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