
Gopal Champu

Braja-sundari Dasi - March 7, 2019 9:19 pm

While I was reading Gopal Champu I came to that verse, quoted by Uddava to gopis (page 758): 

"atmany evatmanatmanam srje hanmy anupalaye  atma-mayanubhavena bhutendriya-gunatmana"

"By myself I create, sustain and withdraw myself by the power of my personal energy, which comprises the material elements, the senses and the modes of nature" SB  10.47.30

I find this verse difficult to understand. Gopis give some explanation of it but for me it is still complicated. What Energy is Krsna talking here about?



Vamsidas - March 8, 2019 2:45 am

He's talking about his maya-sakti in relation to the creation, maintenance, and destruction of the material universe. If you read VCT's commentary on this verse, he adds how the gopis interpret Krsna's statement, taking it to mean that he appears and disappears in their minds for the sake of lilaātma-māyānubhāvena in this instance would be his yoga-maya.