
prasadam distribution

Jagannatha - December 5, 2004 4:33 pm

I am living in the Baltimore area and am involved in the music scene quite a bit. I've begun distributing prasadam at many of the events I attend and perform in. Currently, I am purchasing Synergy health bar samples from Gandiva's Kitchen in Gita-nagari. Although the devotees who make them have been great, and I love that the bars are offered to Sri Sri Radha-Damodara, I'm not completely satisfied with the bars. They are very healthy and made without refined sugar which is good, but they aren't all that palatable. They are "good" but not "great".


I'm looking for devotees who make bars similar to the old Yogi Bars or Govinda Bliss Bars who can make sample size bars (approx. 1.5 to 2" square) wrapped in sealed plastic. No labels are necessary.


Or I'm open to other ideas for pre-packaged sweets that can be made inexpensively to hand out for free to the public.


If anyone has any ideas, or any suggestions about prasadam distribution in general, please let me know.

Babhru Das - December 5, 2004 5:52 pm

Why not just approach the Bliss Bar people and ask them? I know the folks who used to own that business--Sadananda and Upananda (the Bilss Brothers), but I think they sold it to another devotee--Jayanta, I think--and Sadananda makes the Gopal's bars now (very healthy, I guess, but no so palatable). I think there's a Web site given on the Bliss Bar label. If you can't get in touch with them, I can try.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - December 5, 2004 7:08 pm
Jagannatha - December 5, 2004 8:58 pm

Thanks for the suggestions. I already contacted the Bliss Bar people and they wanted more for each bar than I could afford, since I'm giving them away. But I'll keep using the bars I'm getting from Gita-nagari until something better comes along.