
Bhajan CDs update

Vrindaranya Dasi - December 8, 2004 1:07 am

Dandavat pranams,


We have begun recording material for the new bhajan CDs, starting with the morning and evening arotikas. We've run into a minor snag in that we need to purchase more RAM in order to record a whole arotika, but I have been able to record several individual songs.


Next weekend Agnideva and Ratna-cintamani will be coming up to start recording the Siksastakam CD that will be released with Guru Maharaja's upcoming Siksastakam commentary.


In order to give everyone a taste of what we have been working on, I uploaded an Mp3 of Guru Maharaja leading Sri Tulasi-kirtana and Sri Radha-stava. You can listen to it here:






Caitanya-daya Dd - December 8, 2004 4:47 am

That is fantastic! Thank you, Vrndaranya Prabhu. :D

NrsinghaDas - December 11, 2004 3:20 pm

Jaya!!!! :D . That is so wonderfull!! What more can I say? :)


If I may be so bold as to make some requests :D , I would humbely suggest "Kali kukker". I have noticed that Swamis kirtans have a unique quality that is very authentic . I cant put words on it very well, in trying to I told bhakta Freddy that they sound "nomadic" and then thought to my self "I dont think thats going to make much sense to other people". I guess what I was meaning was that they seem to be uninhibited by the enviroment (bhu , bhuvar, etc). Anyway I think this would be most ornamental for the above mentioned song.

Swami - December 19, 2004 5:28 pm
Jaya!!!! ;) . That is so wonderfull!! What more can I say? :D


If I may be so bold as to make some requests :D , I would humbely suggest "Kali kukker". I have noticed that Swamis kirtans have a unique quality that is very authentic . I cant put words on it very well, in trying to I told bhakta Freddy that they sound "nomadic" and then thought to my self "I dont think thats going to make much sense to other people". I guess what I was meaning was that they seem to be uninhibited by the enviroment (bhu , bhuvar, etc). Anyway I think this would be most ornamental for the above mentioned song.

The Vrajavais could be considered nomadic. They are "on the go (cow)." They moved from Gokula to Vrndavana for greener grasses and the advantages of go vardhana. Vraja as a verb means "to go." To be there we have to move here in this plane. To experience our changeless nature we have to change. We have to move here regardless, but when we move here in consideration of going there—when we become willing to change—we are moo-ving in the right direction.


So that's quite a compliment—nomadic sounding. That moo-ves me.


Kali-kukura was one of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura's favorite songs. we sing it often. We expect to record our morning and evening porgram early next week.

Forrest - December 19, 2004 8:33 pm

Vrindaranya, this wonderful gift simultaneously soothes and increases my feeling of "Audarya home sickness."

Dayal Govinda Dasa - December 30, 2004 12:39 am

Dear devotees


I apologise for the lack of updates in regards to the recording situation, here is where we are at at present.


Unfortunately Agnideva was unable to make it Audarya before he left for his Xmas vacation but I understand that in the new year he plans to visit Audarya frequently for the recording of new Cd's.


We are also undergoing some "technical difficulties" at the moment with the mixing desk but we will have that remedied as soon as possible.


More updates as the process unfolds.


daso 'smi

Dayal Govinda dasa