

Madangopal - December 23, 2004 5:35 pm


Could someone knowledgeable please give me the verse and translation that is an addition to the song "sri krsna caitanya prabhu, daya koro more" on Agnideva's kirtan cd?


The line I'm asking about starts:


daya koro prabhupada...


Also, who composed this line?


While I'm on the subject, I noticed on the tulsi kirtan posted on this site that names of Gaura are substituted where I'm used to hearing Krsna's name. Is this a Gaudiya Matha tradition? Would I find answers to these questions in that kirtan-manjusa I've heard mentioned? Where can I find a copy?


Thank you!

Bhrigu - December 23, 2004 7:15 pm

In the Gaudiya Maths, they sing several "extra" verses to that song, such as


daya koro prabhupada, sri dayita dasa,

ahaituki kripa mage ei adhama dasa


"Be merciful, o Prabhupada, [also known as] Sri Dayita Dasa. This wretched servant desires your causeless mercy."


This may be the verse you mean (I haven't heard Agnideva's song), but it might also be a newer one directed to "our" Prabhupada. I don't know who composed the above verse, but they are pan-GM material.


As for the Tulasi-kirtana, Guru Maharaja has said that he finds the "classical" version a bit inappropriate for those devotees who do not strive for manjari bhava. For that reason, he changed "sakhir anugata koro" (make me a follower of the sakhis) to "gaurar anugata koro" (make me a follower of Gaura), which is more general. Also, in the next line, "koro nija dasi" (make me your maid) has been changed to the more general "koro vrajavasi" (make me an inhabitant of Vraja).


I hope this helps.


Your servant,



Dayal Govinda Dasa - December 23, 2004 7:29 pm

I'm unsure about the line in the song on Agnideva's CD, hopefully someone else will know.

But as to the lines in the Tulsi arati, that I can answer.


It was Guru maharaja who changed the wording of a couple of lines (forgive spelling):


ei nivedana daro sakhira anugata koro


was changed to


ei nivedana daro Gaurangera anugata koro




seva adhikara diye koro nija dasi


was changed to


seva adhikara diye koro braja basi


The reasoning behind this is that the song is actually pretty lofty, in a theological sense, being as it is a direct petition to enter into manjari bhava.

In our lineage we are generally not advised to petition so directly as neophytes, this is why most Gaudiya mathas don't even sing this song (they sing the other one to tulasi maharani… the words of which escape me for the moment…in fact I'm not even sure that I know that one at all)

Guru maharaja also changed the song based on the fact that not everyone will develop in terms of manjari bhava and thus it is more appropriate, and follows our lineage's emphasis more, to make the song a more general petition to become a follower of Gaura and a resident of Vraja, and within that we will find our specific place.


In the summer, during Ratha Yatra time, Sripad BB Bodhayana maharaja stayed here for a couple of days. During the Mangala arati program he noted the change in the words to this song and commented "you have changed the words to tulasi arati, very nice. This is a very high song. I couldn't do this in Navadvipa, there would be an outcry."


daso 'smi

Dayal Govinda dasa

Madangopal - December 23, 2004 8:22 pm

Thank you Bhrigu, thank you Dayal Govinda.


I suspect this line of the Agnideva cd is addressed to "our" Prabhupada. It is not written out, but from what I can hear it goes something like this:


daya koro prabhupada, sri gaura prarthan(?)

tava jana krpa mage, ei odha modha


Now I know that I completely destroyed the Bengali with that last quarter, but that's the best I can hear.


Swami - December 25, 2004 12:39 pm


daya koro prabhupada, sri gaura prarthan(?)

tava jana krpa mage, ei odha modha


Now I know that I completely destroyed the Bengali with that last quarter, but that's the best I can hear.



Bhrigu - December 26, 2004 5:32 pm

I'm not sure what sri-gaura-prarthan means, perhaps "the one praying to Sri Gaura"? I would expect the last line to be


tava janer kripa mage, ei adhama das (prounounced "odhamo das")


"This wretched servant desires the mercy of your followers."

Syamasundara - December 27, 2004 4:18 pm

I think I was part of the chorus for that CD, you are referring to Kirtana, right?

We were following a songbook from Narasingha maharaja's Matha.

I'll listen to the CD tonight and see if I can make out what it says. It's most likely to be ei adhama dasa or any one of those recurring lines in our songs.

Syamasundara - December 28, 2004 1:29 pm

OK Got it.


daya koro prabhupada, sri gaura-prakasa

tava janer kripa mage ei adhama dasa


Oh Prabhupada, you're a manifestation of Gaura, be merciful to me

This lowly servant begs for the mercy of your people (servants, associates)

Madangopal - December 28, 2004 4:53 pm

Thank you very much Shyamaji! I enjoyed reading your profile...


So, is the book kirtan-manjusha available anywhere, to buy, photocopy, etc.? Or is there any possibility with all the projects going on in Audarya that there is or will be a song book printed? A kind of "Swami-ized" song book? That would be a neat idea...