
My official entrance and gift

Syamasundara - January 3, 2005 7:46 pm

Jaya Gaura Bhakta Vrnda!


Dear devotees, godbrothers and well wishers,


it's with great joy that I communicate on this forum from my newly arrived iBook.


It may not be a big deal to most of you, but since I left the US, where I used to work in Macintosh, I haven't been able to open the Backup CD of my iMac, where I had stored a file very dear to me.

It's my Vyasa Puja offering to our Gurudeva, which is actually a song in glorification of him. GM expressed his appreciation for it in three different occasions, so I thought I'd make it available and present it to all of you. It is said that we are never to show up before God, our guru, or the king emptyhanded, so I was waiting to be able to access that file before making my official entrance in this assembly of devotees.


I hope you can find it of any value.


You can find it among the files in the tattvaviveka yahoo group, or here




hoping the link works.


My most humble obeisances,

Syamasundara Dasa

Madangopal - January 3, 2005 8:03 pm

Any way this can be made available here on this forum? Does the yahoo group offer anything different than this website?

Syamasundara - January 4, 2005 8:02 am

I don't know. it felt kind of invasive. Like, paste it here like a new post?

Madangopal - January 4, 2005 8:40 am

Whatever you feel comfortable with...

Syamasundara - January 4, 2005 10:02 am

Sorry, I thought everybody had access to that yahoo group.





Sri Srimat Tripurari Svami Caranambhoja Stava



“I do not know how much nectar the two syllables ‘Krsna’ have produced. When the holy name of Krsna is chanted, it appears to dance within the mouth. We then desire many, many mouths. When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears. And when the holy name dances in the courtyard of the heart, it conquers the activities of the mind, and therefore all the senses become inert.” (Vidagdha Madhava 1.15)




Once I heard Guru Maharaja referring to this verse, in order to explain the motivations that push a Vaisnava to accept disciples.

In order to taste the Holy Name, the way it is described by Rupa Goswami in this verse, the guru borrows the ears and the mouths of all those who become his desciples, and while relishing the Name this way, he gives it out to as many sincere souls as possible, just like Mahaprabhu did.


Other than that, this verse is very dear to all the Gaudiya Vaisnavas, as it reminds them of a very famous incident in Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, when in the assembly of His intimate associates, Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Raya Ramananda extolled the glories of Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada as both a devotee and a poet.

Poeticalness is one of the 26 qualities of a Vaisnava. It is said that amongst the main associates of Sri Caitanyadeva at least 54 were real poets.

This is naturally and necessarily so, as they were always absorbed in rasa-raja Sri Krsna, the embodiment of beauty and sweetness, in whom the impossible becomes possible.

Srila Guru Maharaja is always fond of underlining the poetic nature of the lilas of Krsna in Vraja, like the killing of Dhenukasura, when the dead bodies of the ass demon and his friends amassed on top of the trees looked like colorful clouds; or the killing of Putana, whose gigantic body released a very pleasant aroma when the Vrajavasis decided to burn it.


This is why, on the auspicious day of Nandotsava, the desire appeared in my heart to compose a sadhubhasa song in glorification of Srila Gurudeva, as nobody had thought about it yet, but mainly because what better than poetry can describe poetry, poetry speaking the language of love?


Although the desire and the effort are entirely mine, I would have never managed in my intent without the blessings of mother Sarasvati, goddess of learning and art, such as poetry and music, who gave me her blessings since my first petition (letting me learn in no time the rudiments of modern and medieval Bengali language, sometimes manifesting in my heart whole lines of the song), and who, I am sure, enjoyed engaging herself in such a sublime Vaisnava-pada-seva.

All my gratitude also goes to His Grace Jagadananda Prabhu, for giving the last polish to the song, as far as vocabulary, synthax, meter, etc.


As no great Vaisnava would accept and be pleased by a direct glorification of himself, I would like to offer this song as a tribute to my god brothers (as the disciples are an expansion of the guru) whose hearts are always eager to hear the glories of their spiritual master.

May Sri Gurudeva be pleased by all the secondary aspects connected to this song, such as my learning and proving the importance and the efficacy of prayer, and my learning the language of our Lord Gaurasundara and all the saints of our sampradaya, by studying their songs and their meaning, and by reading Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.

Should this song ever meet with any approval, I would like everybody to learn it, which tells something about the extent of my pride.

In fact, in the crown of the things I am proud of, my Guru Maharaja is the crest jewel.


The melody of the first part, the melody of the second part, together with other alankars, such as allitterations, rhymes, etc., and other words throughout the song, that are supposed to please the readers by reminding them of other famous songs or saints or forms of the Lord, amount to a total of 35 ornaments, that I humbly place at the lotus feet of His Divine Grace, Om Visnupada Paramahamsa 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Tripurari Swami, on the all auspicious day of his appearance.






Sri Srimat Tripurari Svami Caranambhoja Stava


part I *


koti namaskara kori dante trna dhori'

acarya bhaktivedanta swami tripurari


sri-guru-paramananda, bidagdha, krpa-moy

apani-sri-nityanande bheda nahi hoy


gaura-vani pracarite taba prana-sar

gauranger ajñay koro para upokar


sri-madhavamrta grantha likhite nipun

janayecho tattva-katha amulya ratan


caranaravindodyane chadite na dao

rasa sastre nitto basa mora mane dao


ami papi, aparadhi, namer rati nai

(tobe) tomar sanga matra bole paramartha hoy


tomara mahima heno, tara sesa nai

ei godasa cesta kori' nibedana gay


part II**


koti namaskara kori dante trna dhori'

acarya bhaktivedanta swami tripurari


amadera jivan, dharma-bhumi-prana-dhan

(saba) sisyer sukha hoy, jabe dao darasan


nava-yauvana samana acara bahire

divya-lila paravista saba din antore


rupadi gosair bhakti-sastra-parayan

sridhar-prabhupader sikha sudha murtiman


prabhupader sevay prana dile sankirtane

pade pade puspadhara kore deba gone


syamasundar dasa koy biswas kori’ mane

(or tomar dasanudas koy biswas kori’ mane)

e prabhura-sama keho nahi tribhuvane


*same melody as “gauranga karuna koro”

**same melody as “hari haraye namah”




part I


1. I offer a million obeisances unto you, Acarya Bhaktivedanta Svami Tripurari, with a straw between my teeth.


2. O gurudeva, you are so blissful, humorous, cunning and compassionate; there is no difference between you and Sri Nityananda.


3. Preaching the message of Sri Gauranga is your life’s essence. To fulfill his order, you are engaged in this welfare work.


4. You are very expert at writing books about the nectar of Sri Madhava. In

them, you have explained the truths of spiritual life, that are like priceless gems.


5. Please never let me leave the garden of your lotus feet and let my mind always dwell in the rasa sastras.


6. I am a sinner and an offender, with no attraction for the Name, however, just by the power of your association I am making spiritual advancement.


7. Such are your unlimited glories, which this servant of his senses is trying to sing about in his prayer.


part II


8. I offer a million obeisances unto you, Acarya Bhaktivedanta Svami Tripurari, with a straw between my teeth.


9. You are the life of all of us, including Dharma and Bhumi (the two miniature temple cows); all your disciples are happy after having your darsan.


10. You behave just like a young boy outside, always absorbed in the lilas of the Lord inside.


11. Constantly meditating on the devotional writings of the goswamis headed by Sri Rupa, you are the synthesis of the nectarean teachings of both Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara maharaja.


12. Since in order to please Srila Prabhupada you gave your life to the sankirtana movement, the demigods now shower you with flowers at every step.


13. Syamsundara dasa is (or: the servant of your servant is) fully convinced when he says: “All over the three worlds there is just nobody like my spiritual master .“

Vrindaranya Dasi - January 4, 2005 12:41 pm

Jaya, Shyamasundara! I'm impressed. Wonderful!!! You can tell this song is written by someone who understands and loves Guru Maharaja.


I liked it all, but especially the last line:


Syamsundara dasa is fully convinced when he says: “All over the three worlds there is just nobody like my spiritual master .“



Gauravani Dasa - January 4, 2005 12:55 pm

Absolutely wonderful Syamasundara Prabhu! :)


Thank you for writing so nicely in glorification of Srila Gurudeva. I have been wanting to offer suitable prayers, now I have a wonderful addition to my sadhana.


Thank you again Prabhu!

Mathura-natha Das - January 4, 2005 2:01 pm

This is so beautiful. When I read this it reminded me of my past experiences in Finland: One quality of our Gurudev that comes forth and really melts my stonehart is when he tells us abut Krishnas different lilas. They actually come alive when he speaks about them! You get so absorbed by the stories, and you can really feel the different moods of the lilas. Never before have I got the same sense of reality of the lilas than when Guru Maharaj gives his rendering of them. Personally i lack everything when it comes to poetry (and so many other things), but then again having persons like Guru Maharaj, Syamasundara and the rest of you makes me feel that i don't lack in anything. Thank you.

Vamsidhari Dasa - January 5, 2005 6:43 am

This is so wonderful.


I would juyst like to mention that Dharma and Bhumi might have a problem with beingf referred to as "miniature cows." :D



Syamasundara - January 5, 2005 10:04 am

Yeah especially since they turned out to grow taller than the 36" GM said they were going to get when he bought them :)

Bhrigu - January 5, 2005 11:16 am

Wonderful, Shyamasundara! I propose that we call you Kaviratna (Jewel amongst poets) from now on!


In the interest of correct pronunciation, I would suggest that you drop the final "a" from lines 7 & 8 in song 1, and line 7 in song 2. Otherwise, I am quite impressed. I like especially the second song, and its second verse.

Syamasundara - January 5, 2005 1:42 pm

I haven't checked the lines you said, but I thought of you many times since I posted the song and feeling ashamed and waiting for you reaction. Originally the song was written in a more litteral way (gaya instead of gae, etc) but people just couldn't pronounce it right and keep the meter, so I just had to tweak it and make it more phonetic. I'll do the due corrections after work.


And to be really honest to you all, that line is the pivot line to the whole song. I embarked in this that ended up being such a sweet engagement, just to be able to say dharma-bhumi-prana-dhana... then it became more and more mind-absorbing, but still effortless; most of those lines came to me while under the shower (go figure). I just grabbed this picture of Sarasvati in the bookroom, prayed every day, offered her mahaprasada on Sarasvati puja, and of course I was studying.

But again, I am glad you pointed out that one line. Maybe I could explain what the alankars are (for lack of a more accurate word) some time.

Bhrigu - January 6, 2005 9:42 am
Maybe I could explain what the alankars are (for lack of a more accurate word) some time.


Please do! Many sanskrit poets would write commentaries on their own poetry, just to make sure that nobody misses all the fine nuances and ornaments they had used. :D But it is also a good educational excercise. I like your writing the Bengali in a more "easy-to-pronounce" way.

Jagannatha - January 6, 2005 3:40 pm

Syamasundara prabhu, what a wonderful poem. I'm wondering what the specific melody is? Is there a tune modeled after other Bengali songs? It would be nice to hear it sung.

Syamasundara - January 6, 2005 4:52 pm
part I *


part II**


*same melody as “gauranga karuna koro”

**same melody as “hari haraye namah”

It says before the translation

Babhru Das - January 6, 2005 5:14 pm

Thank you for sharing this with us, Syamasundar. I really like it. I am impressed and inspired by the entire effort, and I think we old-timers particularly appreciate the "prabhupader sevay prana . . ." in the second song. I also like the "blissful, humorous, cunning, and compassionate" line. I remember being struck by Swami's warmth, humor, openness, and kindness when I met with him in 1999, after 25 years' (or more) separation.

Syamasundara - August 20, 2005 9:45 am
Please do! Many sanskrit poets would write commentaries on their own poetry, just to make sure that nobody misses all the fine nuances and ornaments they had used.  :P But it is also a good educational excercise.



I am sorry it took me so long to reply to this, and sorry to take the attention away from the NOD study, but I happen to have a whole chunk of time at work, so here it goes.

I actually do not know what classifies as alankara according to the canons, so let's say that I am just bringing to light all those aspects of the song that are not a casuality and/or that should be pleasing to the readers.




1-To begin with, the two melodies are quite known and dear to the Vaishnavas, but it's also true that once established the meter, most of our songs can be sung in various ragas.


2-dante trna dhori' This should remind of a famous song by Bhaktivinoda Thakura (Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu jive daya kori)


3-sri-guru-paramananda This is part of a mantra recited in deity worship.


4-bidagdha Obvious reference to Vidagdha Madhava, a very sweet poem that GM quotes a lot.


5-sri-nityanande It's not a chance that there is an escalation in the first 4 stanzas from Guru to Nityananda, Gaura, and Radha Madhava.


6-gaura-vani pracarite Obvious reference to Prabhupada's pranama


7-gauranger ajñay is supposed to remind of Prabhur ajnaya bhai magi ei bikha, a line in a song by Bhaktivinoda (Nadiya Godrume Nityananda mahasay) that GM sings a lot and is very dear to me.


8-9-para upokar Double reference: to a verse of Cc describing Mahaprabhu's movement, and to Sridhara Maharaja's famous instruction to continue "the relief work"


10-sri-madhavamrta Sri Madhava can be understood as Sri and Madhava. However, Madhava already means "The husband of Sri" or Laksmi, so Sri Madhava would mean the glorious or beautiful Husband of the Goddess of Fortune. Anyway, I just liked to play with those two words. The writings of our saints are full of secret refereneces and multiple meanings.


11-dharma-bhumi-prana-dhan This is, like I said earlier, the seed to the whole song.


12-nava-yauvana is a reference to the Brahma Samhita


13-deba gone Sounds lame, as those words appear everywhere, but it's supposed to be a reference to Gaura Arati.


OK I guess that's all. Everything else was just rhymes and alliterations and such (like pade pade, kara upakara).


Your servant,

Syamasundara Dasa