
A Brief Update on Audarya

Swami - January 18, 2005 1:01 am

I am writing to inform everyone that after in-depth discussions with Dayal Govinda over the last two months is has become clear to both of us that it is in his in best interest to pursue his spiritual life in a congregational setting rather than a monastic one.


On the one hand I am happy that our approach to monastic life here at Audarya is one that takes each individual case into careful consideration, a process that can last for some time and is designed to best assure that one’s interest in pursuing monastic life is grounded in a balanced psychology and appropriate motivation. On the other hand we are sad to see Dayal Govinda go after two years of service as a staff member. He will be leaving some time over the next two weeks, returning to England.


For Audarya this means a reduction of 1/3 of my staff. Citta Hari and Vrindaranaya, who have been with me for eight and thirteen years respectively, remain on as full time staff members, and Gurunistha continues to explore the possibility of joining my staff full time.


This reduction in staff will necessitate scaling back on some of the projects we had hoped to launch, as well as the amount of time we can extend ourselves to guests. My plans for personally training devotees here and travel plans will also be affected.


In short, It takes two full time staff members to attend to the day-to-day affairs here, serving the Deities, cows, cleaning, etc. not including producing CD's, editing, and so on. I try to spend most of my time writing and participating in the programs, although I also cook and take part in go-seva. We are in a very rural off-the-grid setting and weekly purchasing, banking, and emergencies often require two to three hours driving time alone. Furthermore, living rurally as we do means that everything takes more time, even simple tasks like bathing.


In the meantime we are enthusiastically continuing to produce my lecture CD’s, working on two CD kirtana releases, planting our winter garden and planning our summer gardens. We are beginning a weekly preaching outreach in Santa Rosa this Sunday. My travel plans for this year thus far include a trip to the East coast in April and at least a summer trip to Finland. Wherever I do go, Gurunistha will be traveling with me. I have almost completed my commentary on the seventh verse of Siksastakam, and I expect to finish the entire commentary by Gaura Purnima. You are all invited to our Gaura Purnima festivities and I hope to see you then.

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - January 18, 2005 1:30 am

For what it worth I’m very sad to see Dayal Govinda leave. I’m sure his services are greatly appreciated by both monastic and lay communities and would be missed very much. Is there any way we can help Audarya during this transitional period?

Audarya-lila Dasa - January 18, 2005 7:26 am

I am also sad to hear that Dayal Govinda is leaving Audarya. I'm sure it's the right thing for him to do, but I must say that I will miss him on my visits. I pray that he will continue to be the beakon of light he has become under your expert guidance Guru Maharaja.


Gaura Hari Bol!

Bhrigu - January 18, 2005 8:29 am

I am also sad to hear this, but I am sure that it is in everyone's best interest in the long run. And Dayalgovinda, England is not so far away from Finland! Perhaps you could come here for the summer retreat again? We would all love to meet you again, regardless of the colour of your dhoti.

Karnamrita Das - January 18, 2005 11:01 am

I haven't been to Audarya yet, but I have gotten to know Dayal though his visits to the East Coast. I will miss seeing him on these visits.


I hope Dayal, that you will continue to post on tattva-viveka so we can stay in touch and hear what you are up to.


May Sri Guru and Gaura-Nitai guide and inspire you! May you realize your highest aspirations in their service!



Best wishes and blessings!



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - January 18, 2005 9:40 pm

Dayal Govinda, are you leaving just monastic community or Gaudiya Vaishnavism all together? Would be interesting to hear your story. What made you think you are not fit for monastic life? Please share your realizations and reflections on life in Audarya for past two years.

Swami - January 19, 2005 12:18 am



If you read my update carefully you will see that DG is not leaving Gaudiya Vaisnavism. He is simply changing his orientation from moanastic to congregational. Not everyone is suited for monastic life, and although some may be interested, it takes time to know if this is best for them. Fortunately we have other alternatives for those who are not so suited. This forum is not the palce to discuss the details of DG's and my decision. Better to write to him personally, and if he chooses to discuss the details of his decison with you, he can do so.



Nanda-tanuja Dasa - January 19, 2005 12:40 am

I'm sorry if I gave you an impression that I was trying to "talk these village talks", I thought that Dayal Govinda has something to share with people who are contemplating adopting monastic life style. I will take this conversation off-line. Again, I'm very sorry if I offended anyone with my inconsiderate questions.

Jagannatha - January 19, 2005 12:46 am

It's inspiring to see such a healthy approach to finding Dayal Govinda's (and everyone's!) best way to practice Gaudiya Vaishnavism. May Dayal Govinda find a wonderful situation to continue his spiritual journey, and may Audarya find lots of willing participants for its upkeep and expansion. I'm a little frustratrated at not being in a position to jump on a plane and come on out there, because it sounds so great. I know Krsna will send some fortunate souls to help out.

Dayal Govinda Dasa - January 20, 2005 1:41 am

Thank you all for your support.

These past couple of months have been very tough for me, and everyone here no doubt, whilst Guru maharaja and I have been trying to sort out the best situation for me as a sadhaka.

There have been many discussions and deep introspection on both sides which has resulted in the decision that it is best for me to pursue my devotional life in a non-monastic context.

Besides the sadness at leaving, my heart is also filled with a greater sense of our tradition and a love for Guru maharaja and all that he represents that has made an eternal impression upon this humble soul.

Though my time at Audarya has been relatively brief, it has not been in vain.

I pray to all of you that you may look kindly on me and bless me that I may progress steadily in my spiritual life.


I look forward to seeing you all online, and hopefully it wont be too long before we meet again in person.


daso 'smi

Dayal Govinda dasa

Mathura-natha Das - January 20, 2005 10:58 am

I'm sure you will find your place in this world Dayal Prabhu. I cannot say that I know you well, but I can definitely say that you're a sincere soul. No doubt about that. Please consider to come to Finland, we would love to have your precense there.

Madangopal - January 20, 2005 3:58 pm

Dear Dayalji,


As you embrace a new life, best wishes to you. Go forward with confidence and hope. This change has come about through your introspection and the consultation with Sri Guru so it must be beneficial for you. Approach it with enthusiasm. You have received much mercy and those lessons will stick with you forever. I know there must be some disappointments, but I say CONGRATULATIONS on your new life. May it reward you Krsna's grace.





p.s. Thank you for the very small amount of association I have had with you. Great kirtans!

Babhru Das - January 21, 2005 6:24 am

I've been peeking the last few days but not posting--buried by my work, as I often am. I'm not at all disheartened by the change in Dayal Govinda's plans. As Swami often says, monastic life isn't for everyone, and moving into a life better suited to his situation will no doubt enhance Dayal's spiritual endeavors. That's not to say that he won't experience some discomfort in the adjustment period, but in the long run, his advancement and his service to Guru and Gauranaga will benefit, as will we all. Maharaja sometimes quotes a Bhagavatam verse that Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur often quoted: sve sve 'dhikare ya nistha sa gunah parikirtitah. Real virtue and beauty are shown in our understanding our actual position and acting accordingly. So although some bumps will appear in the road for Dayal, for the residents of Audarya, and for the rest of us, this will likely be remembered as a happy occasion.


Life is about change, after all, and change comes to us all. We should be awake for signs of change and not let it disturb us unnecessarily when it comes. (He said, looking in the mirror.)

Bijaya Kumara Das - January 23, 2005 4:46 am

:) Best wishes to Doyal.


I will miss talking with you and your helpful insights while trying to reach Guru Maharaja and thank you for kindly arranging for me to talk with Him when I called.


If you have any needs in the future feel free to contact me and I will try and help in any way I can.


Your service has been very helpful to me and I am sure as well to Gurudeva.


The environment is friendly as Gurudeva always says and you will certainly have many supporters along the way and I do hope you will count me as one.


Wishing you the best,