
Cd labels

Bhrigu - January 24, 2005 11:48 am

Dear devotees,


I just reorganised my Sanga Cd's and again realised how much better I liked the old, colourful Cd labels. Not that the new, plainer ones are bad, but the old ones were so appealing to the eye... When my wife and I visited Audarya last summer, I asked Dayalgovinda why the change, and he said that it was mainly to save ink. I forgot to ask how much you save. If we're not talking about astronomical amounts, I and perhaps someone else could sponsor the extra ink, if the Audarya Audio folks could consider returning to the old format. What does everyone else think? Is there anyone else who liked the old labels more?

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - January 24, 2005 10:23 pm

I liked old labels MUCH better -- please bring them back! I can pitch in for the extra ink as well.

Audarya-lila Dasa - January 24, 2005 10:42 pm

I like both labels. The new ones aren't as unique, but they have a kind of a sparse beauty to them. I like the white background. I vote for mixing things up a bit, maybe that would accomodate the budget as well as the desire of the devotees for the orignal format. Just a thought

Guru-nistha Das - January 24, 2005 11:31 pm



since I'm in charge of the CDs from now on, I thought I could answer to this one.

Full color labels really take a lot more ink and the ink that's used is quite expensive. If we would go back to the old labels, that would cost something between 30-60 $ extra every month. I will mail to Dayal Govinda and ask for more accurate costs.

Another problem is that the labels have to be designed individually for the lectures and that takes some time. It would fall on my resposibility, and I'm really, really busy right now and I want to avoid burning out in the first month so I have to say honestly that I don't have time for it right now, but when things get settled down, I'll bring up the topic again and we'll see if there's still interest for donations for the color labels. Ok?

It's nice that the devotees have suggestions, but at the same time, Audarya's limited wo/manpower sets limits to what we can actually do. So keep posting those suggestions, but I hope you won't get upset if we have to turn down some of them.


Personally I like both of the labels. Using both might be a good idea, Like Audarya-lila suggested.