
Program at Govindas...

Jason - January 25, 2005 7:45 pm

Hare Krsna!


I just wanted to say that Tripurari Maharaja's class Sunday at Govindas was really awesome. It was my first visit to Govindas and the first class I've ever heard Maharaja give in person. I admit I was a little nervous at first, but Vamsidhari was there and when I saw him I felt a sense of relief. I thought I would be a bit out of place (for whatever reason).


The way that Maharaja sang, "Om anjnana timirandasya....", I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time; a sense of "realness". He gave an introduction to Srimad Bhagavad-Gita that was personal and really, really different. I finally sensed the "different mood" that persons in ISKCON often refer too when talking of other Vaisnava groups, and I have to admit that what I felt was refreshing. It literally felt as if I was hearing my first class on Bhagavad-Gita ever and a feeling like that is monumental as well as brutally humbling.


Thanks to Citta Hari for being kind and listening to me ramble. Thanks for your perspective and non judgemental suggestion(s).


Though I didn't really get to talk to too many others, it was nice to put a face with the names that I've seen on this forum: Doyal Nitai, Citta Hari, Gopa...


I really wanted to do something for Maharaja....even something menial and small. He just suggested that I get a copy of his Bhagavad-Gita and that would suffice. I did...and I'm happy.


If I could get the Audarya address, I would like to send a small donation.


Hopefully I will meet more of you next week.


Eager for your association,



Jason - January 25, 2005 7:55 pm



I'm sorry, I got confused with names. It was Dayal Govinda that I saw there....sorry about that.

