
Unseen Vaikuntha Agents

NrsinghaDas - January 28, 2005 7:31 pm

When Srila Sridhar Maharaj speaks about how the living entity gradually develops ajata sukrti, he mentions that there are unseen agents of Vaikuntha that are going here and there somehow or other utilizing the very deprived souls in the service of the Lord without thier knowlege, gradually bringing them into conscious contact with Godhead.

Iam curious if he has ever given any more detailed information about this. Does anyone have any relization or storys about this point that they can share?

Swami - January 29, 2005 4:49 pm
When Srila Sridhar Maharaj speaks about how the living entity gradually develops ajata sukrti, he mentions that there are unseen agents of Vaikuntha that are going here and there somehow or other utilizing the very deprived souls in the service of the Lord without thier knowlege, gradually bringing them into conscious contact with Godhead.

Iam curious if he has ever given any more detailed information about this. Does anyone have any relization or storys about this point that they can share?

1. It's not ajata sukrti, it's ajnata sukrti. Ajata means "without" (in whom something has not appeared or "taken birth," lit.), and ajnata means "without knowledge."

2. The unseen agents are pure devotees who utilize others and things related to them in Krnsa's service, even when such persons are unaware of it. This brings sukrti to these persons. The agents are "unseen" in that people are not aware of what they are really doing.

NrsinghaDas - January 30, 2005 1:41 pm

Thank you.