
dealing with sectarianism

Haridas.bts - February 15, 2005 3:33 pm



since i have been in iskcon for 14 years, i have noticed that many-including

senior devotees criticise and minimise other gaudiya vaisnava societies and


I do not see how it could be tolerated that aparadha is taught from practically

the beginning of devotional life in iskcon by others examples. It is a fact that

we have a lot to learn from some gaudiya acaryas such as Sridhara Swami and

your spiritual master Swami Tripurari and it seems that few (apart from my

Gurudeva Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja and maybe Radhanatha Maharaja) will

admit the good of some advanced and realised sadhus.

As Iskcon is supposed to be non sectarian it is failing in this ideal and as such

people like Madonna who with intelligence see that being involved with iskcon

might be bad advertisement due to so many politics and policies.


I would like to strive for more unity and diversity in the spirit of my Gurudeva

because he also fights for these things.


I have recently started to take siksa from Swami Tripurari and do not see why

i should keep it a secret due to a possibility of being chastised by leaders etc...

if you catch my drift.


I will write more on this very soon, but i am looking forward to your feedback


Hari das (ireland)

Babhru Das - February 15, 2005 7:20 pm

Dear Hari das,


I think everyone here will concur in your analysis that vaishnava aparadha is widely taught by example throughout ISKCON. Over the years I have often averred that they have created a culture of vaishnava aparadha.


I think that you have done well to seek siksa from Tripurari Maharaja. I personally feel that he's the best example of exemplary sadhana and presentation of our siddhanta, along with a liberal, broad-minded to outreach and encouragement of both new and experienced devotees. I've been associated with ISKCON since 1969, and Srila Prabhupada personally asked me not to leave ISKCON. However, when I consider the seven purposes Srila Prabhupada gave for establishing ISKCON (nearly identical to those he gave for the League of Devotees), I find them much more at the core of Swami Tripurari's mission than I do in most quarters of ISKCON. I couldn't see how I would fit in anywhere in ISKCON, but I can see a future for myself here.


You may or may not want to advertise your connection with Swami; however, when directly asked, I think it's best to be direct and honest. When I lived in San Diego, anyone who knew me very well at all knew of my connection with him. In fact, when he visited the San Diego temple in 1999, one devotee called the GBC to tell him and worried that I would ask Swami to give class. (It was my day to give class, and my plan was definitely to defer to Swami. The GBC freaked out and insisted that I give class, so I complied, making it clear at the beginning how embarrassed I was to speak in his company.) So, depending on thebroad-mindedness of the leaders there, you may eventually find occasion to reconsider your residence. Life is change.

Haridas.bts - February 16, 2005 6:29 pm

Thank you Bhabru prabhu


I have been studying the history of what happened between iskcon and

Sridhara Swami and it is pretty disgusting how Sridhara Maharaja was treated. Right now I am reading a lot

of stuff that Maharaja has written and it is amazing -and in line with what

Prabhupada said and wrote so i do not see what the fear is all about.

Maybe because Sridhara Maharaja was obviously a maha bhagavat then

it would be clear that if devotees were to take more shelter of him and

his sisyas such as BV Tripurari Maharaja then they would lose power and


It is my opinion due to having had association with most of your sanyassi

Godbrothers that most are not exactly acting on the trancendental platform

and are certainly not speaking it. For the most part it would be basic classes

on basic topics and said in a monotone way i.e not inspiring or uplifting.


I would say that a handful of senior iskcon swamis would inspire me-especially

my Gurudeva Srila Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja. You may know that he is favourable

towards Sridhara Swami and BV Tripurari Maharaja and allowes his disciples

to hear from them. I do not know if this is a unilateral allowance but for my

part i see what BV Tripurari Maharaja is saying is in a very similair vein to BTSwami and as such I feel comfortable.

And indeed i can see and feel that BTSwami is influenced by Sridhara Maharaja

and his style of presentation in particular.


But what scares me is that a lot of devotees are taking diksa from not so qualified

gurus and act as if they are nitya siddha.


We will see what the future holds, and yes life is change-many changes happening

for my family now! funny how you said this today as we have to find new



I read your response to Danavir Maharajas critique of BVT Swami's Gita and

was impressed by the logic and conclusiveness of such.


More soon when i have time and access to a computer-i hope you can continue

to respond and encourage me, it is a much appreciated thing prabhu


hari das