
the "i want to be a millionaire" syndrome

Shyam Gopal Das - March 19, 2005 9:09 pm

I was talking to a friend today and while talking the following analogy sprang up of how we tend to think about devotional life: A lot of people buy lotery tickets in the hope to win a million dollars some day, but most people forget that most millionaires did not win the lotery, but rather worked hard for it.

This analogy sprang up while talking about the nistha discussion here on TV. It just reminded me how much this laziness is build in within our minds and that if we don't watch out our whole Krishna consciousness becames an act of the mind too. Where we just wait for bhakti to happen or nistha. We jump up and down in kirtan thinking we experience some bliss while it's the mind fooling us.

Step by step, we need to work.

Guru-nistha Das - March 20, 2005 12:09 am

I couldn't agree more! Citta Hari and I were just talking about the same subject with the same analogy. We thought that it's kind of the same as hoping to win in the lottery without even buying a ticket if you don't put your heart into your practice.

Narada-kunda Dasi - March 21, 2005 4:50 pm
I couldn't agree more! Citta Hari and I were just talking about the same subject with the same analogy. We thought that it's kind of the same as hoping to win in the lottery without even buying a ticket if you don't put your heart into your practice.


Another confirmation that the members of this forum are well-connected in more ways than one! It happens to me sometimes as well that I contemplate issues and think of certain comparisons or phrases, only to see them on the computer screen the next day or something... shared by someone half way across the world. Some time ago while Swami was in Finland and one of the devotees there (Gurunistha perhaps?) wrote how he was reading "Sri Guru and His Grace" and finding it so wonderful, the same thing was going on in my life.

So we seem to be a really cohesive group, being spiritually nourished by the same inspiration coming from invisible yet powerful sources...

I always wanted to belong to such an esoteric circle :)

It's really an eye-opener to know that we are not just a bunch of randomly put together personalities who have little in common, as the material perspective would have us believe, but that we are a genuine body centered around the same consciousness.