

Kamalaksa Das - March 22, 2005 7:30 pm

Dear assembled devotees,


I think it was a Dutchman who said that Finland has no summer but two winters. He continued by saying that the green winter is somewhat ok, but the white one is unbearable.


With these words we wish to update you on the retreat held in July (the green winter). Preparations are being made at an accelerating pace.


Kamalaksa Das - March 22, 2005 7:31 pm



In the second picture You can see Krishangi heating up the cabin. It should be warm by the time You get here.


As those who have been here remember there is limited space indoors, so own tents are encouraged. (We will do our best to remove the snow until then.)


Kamalaksa Das - March 22, 2005 7:35 pm



We are shivering with anticipation of having you here. (Or maybe it's just the below freezing temperature.)


So far we've had the following attendants announcing their being on the premises the July 6th through July 13th or part of the time:


Swami (well, quite naturally, no retreat without our beloved guide)

Syamasundara (probably his first trip up North, pity the man!)

Bhrigu (will probably light some fires)

Kardama (I have used all tricks in my bag to secure him coming)

Guru-nishta (told us he has to visit relatives, and thus has no time to help with the preparations... ; ) )

Shyam Gopala (tall man from Freesia)

Mathuranatha (We'll see if this Swede can convince his fellow Swedes to come over)

Jananivas (our happy vegan)

Mohan (There will be plenty of food for you too, don't worry.)

Jayanta Krishna and Sulocana + kids (The program has to be good if Sulochana can be convinced to leave the city, even for a day, to attend to it!)

Hanna (told us she will hitch-hike there. But Hanna, how do you hitch a ride over the sea?)

Punk-Mikko ("Punk" to distinguish him from the three or four other devotee Mikko's.)


+ an array of usual suspects who despite various pleas to confirm their attendance (hint, hint) have still not let us know their plans.


We are still accepting new participants. Come, do not be afraid, join us! (for further info please refer to thread Swami Viraha Gita)


Kamalaksa Das - March 22, 2005 7:37 pm

And to show those still doubting the powers of the sages of Suomi, we offer You illustrated evidence of walking on water!


Your hosts for the evening, Krsangi and Kamalaksa


Shyam Gopal Das - March 22, 2005 7:48 pm

Kamalaksa, just a small remark: It's Frisia or Fryslan as we say it. ;)

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 22, 2005 8:20 pm

I've thought that Sages of Suomi are invading Audarya this summer. Is there a change of plans? ;)

Krsangi Dasi - March 22, 2005 8:39 pm

Due to the advancement of the sages they are able to be in two different places in one single summer. Thus both claims are true.




K & K

Krsangi Dasi - March 22, 2005 8:40 pm

Due to the advancement of the sages they are able to be in two different places in one single summer. Thus both claims are true.




K & K

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 22, 2005 9:14 pm

Oh, good! I'm really looking forward meeting you guys. What is your itinerary?

Guru-nistha Das - March 22, 2005 10:06 pm

Oh God, Kamalaksha. I could've barely tolerated the burt raynolds-glasses but the bandana was just too much...

Syamasundara - March 23, 2005 10:31 am

I don't know why my swedish housemates used to make jokes about the Finns being always depressed, melancholic and committing suicide. You all crack me up every time.

Caitanya-daya Dd - March 23, 2005 7:57 pm

i wish i could go! You finnish devotees seem really wonderful! I have already met (briefly) Kamalaksa & Krsangi, and soon i will meet Guru-nistha. And I have always wanted to visit finland. Great architects have come out of your country. The finnish embassy in washington dc is probably the best looking building here :P But seriously, camping out in the snow is not my idea of fun (i'm a city girl who despises snow). One day maybe i will be able to go when Guru Maharaja goes. :D (yes, i'm afraid i'm a coward)


Oh, and i can't forget the Moomintrolls (sorry, something from my childhood) ;)

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - March 23, 2005 10:41 pm
Oh, and i can't forget the Moomintrolls

My favorite books of all times!


Bhrigu - March 24, 2005 7:31 pm
I don't know why my swedish housemates used to make jokes about the Finns being always depressed, melancholic and committing suicide.


Oh, and i can't forget the Moomintrolls


You are onto something -- you see, 2/3 of the Sages of Suomi are not *real* Finns but Fenno-Swedes, like the author of the books about the Moomintrolls. Our ancestors haven't lived here for more than 800 years or so, so we haven't been able to absorb everything of the pure Ugric culture of Finland yet. Nothing like some real jati-buddhi! ;)


But seriously, when the sun starts coming back in February, even the most depressed of us begin to wake up again. Now it is already tolerable, but Summer here is wonderful. Do come, Caitanya-daya (and everybody else, too!). I'm sure that Kamalaksa can give you a shed to sleep in so you don't need to camp out in the July snow. And if he is really kind, he might even give you a pick-axe and a musket to scare away the polarbears.

Krsangi Dasi - March 27, 2005 3:10 pm
  But seriously, camping out in the snow is not my idea of fun (i'm a city girl who despises snow).


I think it was a Norwegian who said that "There is no such thing as bad weather. There is only bad equipment." The thing is that even though we spend several months here surrounded with heaps of snow I very rarely freeze here.


Our secret to staying warm? We've accepted that this is a cold country and act accordingly. We have double windows, long underpants, woollen long underpants... When visiting countries like England which you probably would consider to be warmer than Finland we actually freeze, especially when we see all those British girls stubbornly wearing their mini skirts in temperatures where we would turn up the heat, cook some hot chocolate and stay inside reading about the Moomin... I mean shastras. :lol:


I've actually never frozen as much in Finland as I did in Audarya during the mangal arati. So this summer I'm bringing my woollen sweater, long underpants and mittens. Bring on the cold, this girl is prepared! We're planning to spend the last week of July at Audarya (if that's OK with the monastics) and I'd love to meet as many Tattva-vivekis there as possible. You'll recognize me by the red woollen hat. :)