
The first Audarya Bhajan CD is out!

Guru-nistha Das - March 29, 2005 4:35 am

Dear devotees


The first Audarya bhajan CD had finally been released!

It's called Audarya Seva and it has 73 minutes of heartfelt kirtan on it. If you have ever heard Guru Maharaja sing bhajans, you know you don't want to miss this CD.

Here's the tracklist:


Gaura mangala mahima

Tulasi kirtan


Gaura lila stava

Gaura arati

Sacinandana vandana


In other words the whole daily program of Audarya.

It costs $10 and the shipping is $2 in the USA and $3 abroad.


You can pay with cash/check, PayPal or credit card.

send the check/money order made out to Audarya to:



22001 Panorama Way

Philo, CA 95466


To use a credit card, email amount and credit card details to Gurunistha@swami.org or email amount and send credit card details (if you don't feel comfortable emailing them).


To use PayPal, go to http://www.swami.org/invitation/sevadonations.html and follow the link.




For any questions, requests or orders, contact:



Here's a list of the persons who donated for the recording equipment and will be considered founding members of Audarya Audio bhajan division and will receive the three first CDs for free:


Agnideva and Ratna-cintamani

Bijaya Kumar dasa

Ksirodakasayi Visnu dasi

Sashidhara dasa

Gopa Kumara dasa

Brahma and Lila

Babhru dasa

Gaura Bhagavan das

Nandatanuja dasa

Chris Jordan

Audarya Lila

Narayani Dasi

Manohari Dasi

Jagadiswara and Dhira Lalita

Navadwipa Dasa


Krsangi & Kamalaksha

Mathura-natha Das - March 29, 2005 9:20 am

Ah, at last! Don't just forget to bring some copies to Finland!

Babhru Das - March 29, 2005 5:57 pm

I'm really excited! Can't wait!

Caitanya-daya Dd - March 30, 2005 4:20 am

I must attest that this CD has already blown everyone off the charts! :)


Seriously, it is a sweet CD. I popped it into my player when i got to dc (got into the airport around 5:45 a.m.). It was like i was at mangala-arati at Audarya again. :huh: I'd never left.

Radhanama Dasa - March 30, 2005 4:24 am

CAN'T WAIT!!! :huh::):D

Syamasundara - April 5, 2005 3:20 pm

Listening to it right now :blink:


I got it this morning, went to the hospital (to have my ears checked incidentally) and on my way back as I was approaching home, I was telling myself: "You won't be critical, you won't be critical."


Then I popped it in and I must say I forgot about my fault-finding nature. At first I noticed the Indian Cds echo effect, and I thought it was amusing, but then it's been only fits of goose pimples.


Who's singing and playing overall?

Babhru Das - April 8, 2005 12:34 am

Mine has arrived, and I'm listening to it in my office at school. Suddenly this dump is transformed. Next--my life.

Radhanama Dasa - April 8, 2005 12:53 am

I have created a PDF version of all the songs that are on the Audarya Bhajan CD1 and Vrindaranya was kind enough to put it on the Tattva-viveka server for downloading. It is available here: Audarya Bhajan Also it is standard letter size (8.5x11) so it can be printed easily.


Please forgive (and please feel free to point them out to me) any errors i may have made in creating it.



Brianfeather - April 8, 2005 2:38 pm

Cool! Thanks Chris :)

Shyam Gopal Das - April 8, 2005 3:15 pm

After listening to the Audarya cd, all I can say is that I now don't have an excuse anymore for not learning the songs by heart. I love Guru Maharaj's singing.


Thanks Chris for the sheet!

Madangopal - April 15, 2005 11:13 am

When Guru Maharaja was in N.C. he commented on seeing this print of the songs that it would be nice and it's necessary to have the diacritics. Anybody have the talent to add them and repost?

Gauravani Dasa - April 16, 2005 12:51 am
When Guru Maharaja was in N.C. he commented on seeing this print of the songs that it would be nice and it's necessary to have the diacritics.


I can work on the common songs such as Tulasi-kirtan and Gurvastakam. I would need some kind of copy of Gaura Mandala Mahima with the diacritics already present. Otherwise I have no idea where they would go :huh:


Attached to this message should be an image dipicting the character mappings for the Sca fonts on the PC if anyone else would like to work on it. You have to hold down the ALT key and type the 4-digit number to produce the character (some laptops also require you press a FN key). Make sure you are using one of the Sca fonts that comes with the VedaBase. I can email them to anyone if interested.



Radhanama Dasa - April 16, 2005 4:17 am

I considered that when i was doing it but didn't have text with diatrics available as most of this was copy paste and re-format from the internet.... but I would be more than happy to re-do the document with diatrics... except for two things, first being i don't know exactly were they would go except for on the same songs Fred mentioned, second and much more minor, is the font mac compatible?


Is there a place i can go to get/see the correct diatrics for all the other songs? or If someone else knows where the diatrics go and would like to fix the document i can certainly send you the original In Design document so you just need to change certain letters.


Fred, could you email me the font to: bhaktachris@gmail.com thanks.

Gauravani Dasa - April 16, 2005 12:05 pm
... is the font mac compatible?


No, the fonts are for the PC only. During the 60 Years of BTG project, I had to convert some InDesign files created in Mac to the PC platform, and as a result I had to map some of the Mac characters into PC. I have no idea what the Mac font would be or how they display on the Mac. I can do some research if you could send me the InDesign document: fred@prabhupada.com


Also, the pranam prayers before Guravastakam are missing, which include BR Sridhar Maharaja's pranam (I think). I have been looking for this and have not yet been able to find it. And Guru Maharaja altered a few of the words in Tulasi-kirtan that should be reflected in the document.


Sending the font now...

Shyam Gopal Das - April 16, 2005 3:18 pm

I think Krishangi and Kamalaksa can help out with the diacritics font for mac. They also made a handout last year for the summer camp in Finland with some of the songs on it. I know it has a few mistakes but it will probably be helpful.


Edit: just checked the handout didn't have diacritics either... i'm sorry

Citta Hari Dasa - April 16, 2005 6:30 pm

I can do diacritics but I'm on a Mac. I could post the songs in the transliteration system Bhrgu mentioned in the pranama thread.

Radhanama Dasa - April 16, 2005 7:45 pm

YIKES! How did i forget the Pranam Mantras ....? :huh:;):( forgive me everyone for that.


I can do some research if you could send me the InDesign document:


coming right up. Thanks for the help. Oh and I was able to import the TTF into OSX but the key code didnt exactly work.

Gauravani Dasa - April 18, 2005 4:25 pm

Here is a PDF of the song book with diacritics. It is missing GM's Gaura Mangala Mahima and his changes to Tulasi-kirtan, so if anyone has a copy of these with diacritics, I could add them.


The file was created with MS Word on the PC. I can work on a Mac file, but that will take me some time. I wanted to make this available in the meantime.


Please let me know of any changes or corrections that should be made.





Krsangi Dasi - April 18, 2005 6:02 pm

Hi there, all you PC users!


When you do a PDF and embed the fonts you've used in your document the resulting document is platform-independent: it can just as well be opened on a Mac or a PC.


Or, to make a long story short: Fred, your PDF works just fine on my Mac! Thanks!

Radhanama Dasa - April 18, 2005 6:03 pm

Works like a charm on my mac also, and might i add that it looks amazing!

Madangopal - April 18, 2005 7:30 pm

Thanks Fred for doing this. Yeah, it looks great. All we need now are those little additions you mentioned and diacritics added to the song Guru Maharaja wrote. Those will have to come from an Audarya vasi right? Almost there!

Gauravani Dasa - April 18, 2005 8:47 pm

I was going to try to make a Mac file so that anyone could modify the document. Especially since it seems like everyone except me is using a Mac :D


Otherwise, if it is ok with all of you, I'll hold on to the Word PC file and just make the changes to it and repost as a PDF.


Those will have to come from an Audarya vasi right? Almost there!


Almost! :D

Gauravani Dasa - April 24, 2005 5:16 pm

Here is the song book with all the songs and diacritics (as far as I'm able to tell). If there are any corrections or suggestions, please let me know.


Audarya-sevaV5.pdf (2.1 MB)




Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 24, 2005 5:56 pm

Looks very good, though I personally prefer when original text in not intermixed with translation because it makes it more difficult to follow. It would be nice to have whole text in Sanskrit (for example) first and then translation of the whole text in English.

Madangopal - April 24, 2005 8:54 pm

Freddy you RULE! Thanks. This is perfect! Too bad we don't live closer and could be jammin every morning and night to the Audarya program. :lol:


Congratulations on your new service to Tattva Viveka.

Gauravani Dasa - April 25, 2005 1:06 am
Looks very good, though I personally prefer when original text in not intermixed with translation because it makes it more difficult to follow. It would be nice to have whole text in Sanskrit (for example) first and then translation of the whole text in English.



Yeah, I wasn't quite sure how to do it, but it helps me to have the translation close to the sanskrit so I know what I am singing about. Otherwise my mind wanders all over the place.


I can make a version with all the sanskrit up front and the translations last. Give me a few days and it should be available.

Gauravani Dasa - April 25, 2005 1:11 am
Too bad we don't live closer and could be jammin every morning and night to the Audarya program.



:lol: For real! I would be up for that! I have been jammin alone but could use some company. :D

Gauravani Dasa - May 2, 2005 7:34 pm
Looks very good, though I personally prefer when original text in not intermixed with translation because it makes it more difficult to follow. It would be nice to have whole text in Sanskrit (for example) first and then translation of the whole text in English.



Sorry it took me so long to get this together, but here is the version you asked about. It is smaller because I removed a few images.


Audarya Seva songbook with verses first, translations last

Nanda-tanuja Dasa - June 9, 2005 4:05 pm
Sorry it took me so long to get this together, but here is the version you asked about.


The error: HTTP 404 - File not found.

Gauravani Dasa - June 9, 2005 5:00 pm
The error: HTTP 404 - File not found.



I removed the file, but just put it back :blink: