
Thanks for all the books!

Jason - April 7, 2005 4:21 am



I just wanted to thank Maharaja and Citta Hari and Gurunistha prabhu for considering me when they found 10 cases of misc. books in storage!


I just went and picked them up and then, as soon as I got home, I tore through those boxes like a kid in a candy store! I kept about a dozen for me, and the rest I will be distributing here in the city.


You guys rock! I'm so excited.


(got any more?)


I immediately called Jorge and told him....we're gonna have a MASSIVE collection to distribute.





Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 7, 2005 5:30 am

Hey hey hey, how about sharing? Remember sharing is good, I want some books too!

Jason - April 7, 2005 5:35 am

Hey Prabhu....


There are some cool books in here that I've never seen before. What's your fancy?


Let me wait until tomorrow to go through the boxes, and I will post a handful of the titles for you.


Anyone looking for anything in particular?





Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 7, 2005 5:43 am

Let's take this offline :blink:

Brahma Dasa - April 7, 2005 4:45 pm

Sorry but these books now have all been promised. Brahma




Spiritual books looking for a good home.


I have an entire set Srimad Bhagavatam that I am willing to give away to anyone willing to pick them up in SF or pay for the postage to have them shipped. This set is the small black hardcover BBT edition that was published in Hong Kong in the late 70's by (I think) Ramdasa, who later started Mandala publishing. The books are all in good shape and the set includes two hardback volumes of Krsna book and Teachings of Lord Caitanya. The History of this edition is that the books were published on the order of then Hansadutta Swami (BBT trustee) in this smaller and thus cheaper version in order to encourage sales of the entire set at once. Overall his 'set selling' program never really got off the ground so the Bhagavatam in this smaller format was never (to my knowledge) republished.



I also have a box or two of later edition BTGs that I would like to give away as well as other assorted books that I somehow have doubles or more of.


I also have misc Prabhupada VHS videos and cassette tapes.


The books, cassettes and videos are in storage so I cannot supply the names of individual titles. I would just like to give them all to a devotee who will keep what he needs and sell or give away the rest.


Interested parties should contact me at sangaeditor@earthlink.net


First come--first served.


Hari Bol, Brahma

Jason - April 7, 2005 6:48 pm



Let's talk. I'm in the city and would love to have more books to distribute. Name the place and I'll be there!





Nanda-tanuja Dasa - April 7, 2005 10:14 pm

Jason, I've sent you couple of emails via Tattva-viveka's email service. Is your email address in your account up to date?